Chapter 5: "Definitely pissed off"

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"Welcome to the Freakshow, Valerie." Todd says, shaking my hand enthusiastically.

"Thank you, sir." I can't say much more, I'm in shock. Despite all my practice and determination, I was never really sure I could do it.

While I'm lost in my disbelief I can hear Todd introducing everyone. I follow around, shaking hands and smiling, I already know who they are.

These are the people who have been heroes to me for the last 3 years.

I come to the last person in Todd's introduction list, a man about my age, with pale skin and an unhappy face. I shake his hand, shocked by the warmth, and I'm brought back into the real world, or some version of it at least, when I meet his eyes.

Morgue is the most dangerous man in sideshow. His stunts are breathtaking to say the least, and his personality is one to match from what I've seen.

I force myself to snap out of it when I realize I've been looking at him a few seconds too long, and I can feel my cheeks heat up at the same time that Creature laughs, but I just move forward like nothing happened.

"It's so exciting to be here." I smile, looking at everyone. This is my new family, the people who will accept me and show me how to get others to accepts me too.
I feel more at home now than I ever have.


Later in the day, after washing my snake and sword, I find myself wandering around to the side of the building. I saw Asia go this way, and I wanted to see if she was still there. It's important to me that I talk to her.

I know she didn't like Jenevieve as the snake lady, so more than anyone in the show, I want her to be ok with me.

Getting around to the side, I see her standing and talking with Morgue. I'm about to turn back from embarrassment when she sees me and waves me over.

"Hey, Valerie, right? What's up?" She asks, and I'm feeling more and more nervous.

"I was just looking for you, but I don't want to interrupt you guys, it's nothing important."

"Oh, you aren't interrupting, don't worry. What did you want?" She doesn't quite catch the talk-alone vibe I try to give off, but Morgue does. Unfortunate for me, I think it actually pisses him off...

"Whatever you have to say to her, you can say with me here." He states when I don't say anything, frozen by nerves.

Yep, definitely pissed off.... dammit....

"I just... I know you didn't like the last snake lady, so I just wanted to know if I was doing better than her, and I wanted to see if you had any suggestions. I don't want to be like her, and I definitely don't want to be a problem like she seemed to be, ya know?" I can feel my cheeks heat up again as I speak, feeling a little out of place trying to explain myself.

But Morgue's face softens a little, he looks less pissed now. Like he understands why I wanted to talk alone, Even if he thinks it's weird. And deep down I appreciate that.

"Oh, yea, you're fine. Totally good. I just didn't like how she relied so heavily on how she looked, and not on actually doing something, ya know? Like if you're actually doing something cool, it's a little more ok, than like... if you're not...?" She laughs, and I know what she's saying.

"Thank you. You haven't got the slightest idea how much it means to me, really..." I can't help but smile. I think today is the most I've smiled in a long time.

"No problem." She smiles back, and already I'm starting to feel like a member of the Freakshow family.

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now