Chapter 14: "I don't want to talk."

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A few hours later, or maybe longer, I'm not really sure... I'm standing out front of the Freakshow. It was cozy in the back room of the tattoo shop, and I was tired, but Legz didn't permit sleeping while being tattooed unless I could roll only on command while sleeping as he tattooed me.

The dark blue hoodie I snatched from home after everything else covered the tattoo well, and I couldn't wait to see the look on Morgue's face when I showed him.

Walking in I waved hello to the others and worked my way to the back, but something about how they looked at me had me worried....

(Morgue's POV)

I left into the back alley, and hoped Asia and Creature would get the message.

When they both came out after me, I knew I shouldn't have expected them to be anything less than stubborn.

"I don't want to talk, guys." I said plainly.

"I figured as much, but come on. It's not what it sounds like Morgue." Asia said.

"Then why did you and Creature look worried? What do you know that you aren't saying?"

"Calm down, dude. It's not as bad as you're making it out to be."

"Creature's right, it's not bad at all. We're just worried because of the wording. Kinda figured you'd react badly with it like that..."

"Figured I'd react badly? How else am I supposed to react? She's seeing a guy, and she's excited, and she completely left out any mention of it to me?" I took a breathe to calm down a little, upset and pissed at the same time. "You know I don't have many people I trust...." I look at Asia. "So when I trust her, but she doesn't trust me enough to tell me whatever she's told you two.... "

"It's rough dude, but just hold up, ok? You'll understand why she didn't say later, I know it. "

"It was my idea anyways, so if you're going to be mad at anyone, it should be me..."

I shake my head. "I'm not mad at anyone, I'm just feeling a bit betrayed. I mean..... You know what she means to me... And I have the right to be upset for a few minutes when I found out she's seeing someone else..." I take a breathe and shake my head. "I'd prefer to be left alone for right now guys..."

I turn away from them, and lean against the wall as I listen to their hesitant foot steps go back inside.

I don't own her, and I guess I probably wasn't the best boyfriend, but still.... I've never felt like this about anyone, and I really was trying.... But now I don't know what to do... is this it?

I don't know if I can accept that....

(Valerie's POV)

Setup was starting as I walked in, but as I looked around Morgue was nowhere to be found.

Everyone was looking at me like I had accidentally shot a box of puppies, it was somewhere between "how dare you" and sympathy for the emotional damage to be seen on me afterwards, because it was, in fact, an accident.

As soon as I saw Asia I rushed over, nearly knocking her over in the process. "Whose puppies did I kill?"

She looked at me confused a moment. "What?"

"Never mind.... where's Morgue?"

She bit her lip and avoided eye contact, "wellllll....." after a moment's pause she continued. "My dad told everyone you were going to be late because you were seeing a guy, and you were excited, and that's really all the detail he gave.... Morgue didn't take that so well...... "

"Shit...." It was all I could say, all I could think....

"He's in the alley..." she gestured to the door and without a word I was headed for it.

Please still be out here like a dorkus....

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now