Chapter 15: "A+ on the Cheese-O-Meter!"

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I was in luck. He stood leaned against the wall, his head down and hood up, quiet and clearly deep in thought.

Not that I cared.

I hurried over to him, and without thinking about it, I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. I know he hates hugs.... But like so many other times, I find it's the only way I can say anything without my tongue betraying me.

He hesitates a moment before his own arms wrap around me, but it feels different than it did yesterday....

"I know what you heard.... But it's not...."

"It's...." I look up at him, and I can see hurt lingering in his eyes, but as usual he's trying to tough it out and seem unphased. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you...?" Then it hit me. "No! No no no, that's exactly the opposite of what's going on, I'm trying to tell you that's not what's up at all, I promise." So that's why it felt different... he was trying to be strong, and let go.....

I don't want him to though....

I can see in his face he doesn't believe me, like he's already accepted it all and thinks I'm with someone.

"Dammit Morgue, this was soooooooo not how I wanted to do this..."

"Do what? Betray my trust, or just hurt me in general?" He asks, almost calmly. The cold undertone sends a chill down my spine.

"No.... neither...."

"Oh really? Then what?"

I sigh. "I'd hoped I could have set a better environment than an alley for it.... But...." I pull off the hoodie, and underneath I'm wearing a tank top that shows the tattoo over my heart perfectly.

I see his eyes widen, and his whole face softens as he reaches his hand up to trace the design, his design, hesitant to touch but still he does after a moment.

"Creature sent me to see Legz about it, after Asia suggested I get a tattoo... that's where I was this morning... I was seeing a guy, and I was very excited.... " I laugh a little, I can't help it, "but I was seeing a tattoo artist, about getting a tattoo of something I've not parted with since you drew it for me... it was the first act of real acceptance anyone had ever shown for me, and it was from you.... I don't ever want to part with it. " I blush a little, knowing I sound cheesy as could be. I decide to go all the way. "I don't ever want to part with you..." bingo, A+ on the cheese-o-meter. "And now I don't have to, cuz part of you is always here.... without danger of getting put in the wash if I'm not careful...." I laugh a little, trying to lighten things up a bit.

It takes him a moment to react really... he just stares at the tattoo, his fingers running along it gently. Then they trail up my neck, and run under my jaw to the tip of my chin. Before I have time to think about what's going on, he's kissing me. And I'm kissing him back.

And suddenly.... everything is good....

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now