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For those of you reading, thanks so much!! It took me forever to get this done, and I can't say I'm the happiest with it, but I hope you guys like it at least a little ^~^
Obvious as obvious can be, I don't own Freakshow or anyone to do with it, I just write fanfics ^~^ Valerie is my own character, and if she were to be based on anyone it'd be myself, but that's only the case with her backstory simply because it's easier to write what you know.
I've not learned to do any of the things she does, and I do realize snake swallowing is a very unlikely stunt to be done ever, simply because it's probably not very sanitary.... still, it makes an interesting character, and with so many of the known roles covered already, I wanted something different for Val.
So I'm sorry if I stretched it a little too far, I'm sorry for any errors, and I'm sorry if it was boring or a let down.
But thanks for reading ^~^

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now