Chapter 12: "Maybe it's the snake burns,"

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"So tell us..." Asia said, "how long have you liked Morgue?"
That's how the conversation started. It ended with me spilling my guts full heartedly, sitting on my living room couch with hands in my pockets and head down. I knew I was cherry red, I didn't want to show it.
"I can't lie, it's nice to tell someone... It's nice to have two someone's I trust enough to tell. Still, I don't know how to go about the whole thing, it's all new territory for me."
I can feel their smiles, and I find myself fiddling with the paper in my pocket again. Ever since I woke up with it on my lap in the hospital, I haven't been much for the idea of parting with it. This catches their attention and before I have a chance to react, Asia has snatched it from my hand and is unfolding it.
Her eyes light up, and it's the cross between amazement, and an idea, that flashes in them next, simultaneously, that frightens me.
"I know exactly what to do!"


Work the next day sends butterflies into my stomach and up my spine, I'm excited for one reason, and that reason has pulled me off to the alley before I've even reached the door.
"You know, most people would flip if they were pulled into an alley by someone clothed all in black without a single hello." I say, trying not to let on to how happy I am to see him.
"Yes, well... You aren't most people. I wouldn't care about most people.... "
"But you care about me?" I smile a little wider, the hope that my doubts may have been pointless bringing a bit of laughter up as the butterflies make tornadoes inside my gut.
It takes him a moment, but he doesn't try to deny it. "Yea, I do." He says simply. And with that, he starts back for the front, looking a little uncomfortable.
I grab his hand. "Hey, whoa, wait. Morgue, you don't just drop something like that and then walk away."
"I do. Particularly, I do, when it's made obvious it's not mutual. I appreciate that you didn't make a joke of it, but the fact you were ready to laugh it all off, I get it." And he turns to leave again, but I don't let go.
My stomach and chest clutch, leaving little room for fluttering wings now. "No! No no no, you got it all wrong. And if you don't believe me, ask Creature and Asia, they've heard it all. No, thing is, I feel the same. But I've had some serious uncertainties when it comes to you... how you feel about me. Maybe it's the snake burns, or the medication, but I'm kinda bonkers for ya.... So I did smile, and I did laugh, but not at you... at my own doubts and the twister in my tummy." I squeezed his hand lightly, unsure of if he would understand what I was saying, but unwilling to let him walk off.
Before another word could be spoken, though, I felt warmth in both hands as he held them, and his forehead against my own for a moment before our lips fit together like puzzle pieces.
Despite all the danger and pain that people often associate with him, he is gentle, holding me carefully, his lips pressed soft against my own, and he is warm.
Not just any warm, it's not like the warmth you feel when you curl up in a blanket. No, it's more the warmth that makes you feel like you're freezing without it. Like you've lived your life in an ice tub, and suddenly someone hands you a piece of toast, and its like nothing you've ever known, and even on the inside you've become warmer.
We break apart after a moment or two, and then we walk inside together, hand in hand.
I know he doesn't like people, so being someone he can stand?
I've never felt more special.

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now