Chapter 4: "Why my friends call me Medusa."

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I look at the members of the Freakshow as they sit in the chairs to watch. Everything in my body that can twist internally does. These people entertain others with dangerous stunts all the time, so I'm going to have to do this good if I'm gonna stand a chance at even just being considered for a place here...

I feel like I'm talking to statues as I look over them, but I take a deep breathe and speak anyways. "I hit a real low point when I was 17. Having nowhere to go but up, I learned to swallow swords. " I started. They just stared blankly at me, sword swallowing was nothing impressive among these types, it was one of the more common stunts because it's a classic. "After that I started playing with fire, and before long I had combined the two." This caught their attention.

I pulled a sword and a match from my basket, I'd already put the fuel on the sword. I lit it, knowing this was a little less common than normal sword swallowing. Down the hatch without a scratch, and back up again, I couldn't help but smile. I always loved the warmth of a burning sword reaching my stomach.

"I knew I could push myself further, and one day while watching TV I found out how. I saw a snake charmer raise a snake from a basket, and all I could think was that if you found one the right size... Well..." I pulled my snake out of the basket. "It could be interesting.... The immediate dangers are the venom, fangs, and the fact that if I do one thing wrong it will move too fast and too drastically, and tear me up from inside." They all have wide eyes now, and I know I've got them. If I can pull this off without dying, I'm almost certain I've got a place here.

I lower the snake down my throat carefully. I've been training with this snake a little over a year, and I'm pretty sure she knows what not to do. Even so, she is an animal in a new environment being watched by strangers. There is no telling what will happen.

I feel her reach the bottom, and I pull my hands away. I can hear and see the others, amazed I got it down. Slowly, my snake slithers back up, rising and hissing, but only for show.

Once she's out I smile and bow, holding her in my hands again. "And that... is why my friends call me Medusa..."

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now