Chapter Ten

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     I had always been good in Algebra but the teacher was horrible. She was mean and didn't even bother to acknowledge that she had some new students in her class. She just spoke her name and then continued with something new that the whole class was learning. I was taking notes on what she was saying but the fact that she was so boring and seemed to not be interested with anything she said was getting on my nerves. Plus, Shane kept putting his hand on my leg-distracting me. Don't get me wrong, there was absolutely nothing wrong with Shane keeping his hand on me but with that teacher, I just didn't want to take any chances with getting in trouble.

     Channing kept sneaking glances at me-like he had been all day- but I think that after my talk with Shane, he finally understood that he was completely better than Channing. Shane was more concerned about me, rather than the fact that Channing was looking at me. I was happy that Shane had finally learned that he was almost perfect compared to the alphas son. 

      Algebra wouldn't have come to a end faster. I almost ran out of that room when the bell sounded and she dismissed us without any emotion. Shane placed his arm over my shoulder as we walked to our lockers.

      "That teacher has something wrong with her." Shane whispered in my ear.

       "She did not seem to enjoy her job at all." I responded.

       "I wouldn't enjoy my job either if I had to put up with hormonal teenagers all day." Shane replied, low enough for only my ears to hear.

     I chuckled.  Being glad that free period was finally here-and that the day was almost over-did nothing more but put a smile on my face. I could spend the next thirty minutes with Shane and hopefully, avoid being anywhere near Channing.

      We headed straight to our lockers. We didn't have anything that we absolutely needed to carry around since it was free period. It would be just stupid for us to do that. Shane slammed his locker shut before I even got mine open. I struggled with the combination but soon, I got the darn thing open. I threw my books in but Shane slammed it shut before I got the chance.

    A sexy smirk was across his face, telling me that he had something in his mind.

     "What was that for?" I asked.

      "What?" He responded, with that smirk never leaving his face.

      "You slammed my locker. You could have caught my fingers or something." I answered.

      "But I didn't." His eyes sparkled. I was starting to get nervous-even though I have no idea why. Shane seemed to either make me feel like I was on top of the world or that I was the most nervous person in the world. He was intimidating, but I guess that's why I had a major crush on him.

      "No, you didn't." I whispered, a smile playing on the corner of my lips.

      "You wanna go somewhere?" He asked, his eyes burning into mine.

       "Do I have a choice?"


       "Lead the way."

      Shane grabbed a hold of my hand and began leading me towards the exit of the school. I didn't know where he was taking me but at that moment, I didn't care. I trusted him more than anyone. If I had to give my life away for someone to keep, without a doubt he would be the person to hold my precious life in his hands.

       The halls were empty, almost. There were a few kids sitting on the ground here and there because it was their free period as well. We came to the doors and without a hesitation, Shane threw one of them open. Without taking a look back, he pulled me through the door and led me out onto the grass. Instead of heading towards the road, Shane was heading towards the woods.

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