Chapter Four

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   Channing was in the other pack? Yeah, that made everything so much better. I gripped tight onto Shane as I stared at Channing who was standing right infront of me. This seriously couldn't have happened at a worst time. Shane looked down at my suprised expression and I knew that I would be over loaded with questions from these people once this ritual was over. My dad came up to Channing and put his hand out.

"It's really nice to meet you." He said with his formal voice, trying to sound professional. But how can you sound professional when you are the alpha of a pack of wolves? Channing still had that annoying smirk on his face. 

"It's nice to meet you as well. Thank you for meeting us. My father does send his reguards because he couldn't get here. He is the alpha of this pack but I'm afraid that he has came down with a serious cold and couldn't risk spreading it to your pack. Since he is not here, I will be the replacement alpha." Channing replied to my father. I stared at him with disbelief on my face. This really couldn't be helping. If Shane found out what he had said to me earlier, then it wouldn't have been pretty.

  Shane has always been protective over me and I couldn't even begin to wonder about what Shane would do to him if he found out Channing's remark about my bottom earlier in the day. There were too many possiblities of what could have happened.  Shane knew how to fight, he could fight better than any person that I had ever seen. There was one guarentee though if you fought Shane. You would be the one who lost.

  "Please tell your father that we are sorry that we missed him. But I think that this ritual is going to be very important. Are we going to stay here and talk about things or are we going somewhere else?" My father asked. The rest of my pack had joined around Shane, my father, and myself. Channing's pack were now around him, all in their human form.

    "I have a campfire set up just a little ways over there. My pack will gladly show you the way." Channing said pointing to where this ritual-which was just a fancy name for let's sit around and talk- would be taking place. Channing's pack walked ahead of the rest of us. My pack followed. all but Channing and me. I wanted to talk to him before anything went down with my dad.

After I made sure that nobody from either of our packs would be able to hear us, I turned to Channing, my jaw practically on the ground.

     "Happy to see me?" He asked with a smirk on his face and his arms folded over his chest.

      "If I would have known that you were a werewolf then I would have never let you get away with saying that to me this morning." I said through gritted teeth, trying my best to make myself calm down. When I got angry, it was like my inner wolf was taking over and I couldn't help but starting screaming and then sooner or later transform into my wolf. I couldn't have that happen here but then I would be in deep trouble with my father.

      "What exactly did I say to you this morning?" He took a step towards me and I could see his mocking smirk in the dark. I knew that if I got mad enough then my eyes would begin glowing a bright green color. That meant that I was really mad and that my wolf powers were making it possible to see through pitch black darkness.

     "You were flirting. Don't even deny it because you know that you were. If Shane find out that you were then you won't be able to walk for long." I growled.

     "Who's Shane? That dude who was holding onto you when I first saw you here?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

     "Naw dip. Of course that's him." I answered, folding my arms over my chest because I was getting cold. I wished that Shane hadn't left me like he said that he wasn't going to do.

     "He your boyfriend?" Channing asked. He actually sounded like he was serious about this. I could have had fun with him there and picked on him but I was so mad that I couldn't even think straight.

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