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Guys, I'm so frickin sorry but I'm stuck again and it sucks a lot to be stuck especially on this book. I love this book so much and more and more people are starting to read it, but my ideas are gone again and they won't come back. 

I'm so sorry that it's happening again, I'm trying so hard but I can't get any ideas, it sucks so much because all of you seem to like this book and I want to continue writing it but I literally can't.

So either you'll have to come up with your own ending of this book


I'll make this book so short and fast so you'll get a little ending


Someone else takes over my book, they post it on their account and I'll tell all of you about it so you can get their version of this book.

Please, I want someone to be able to take over this book even thought I love it so much and the characters I've made, but someone please dm me and say that you want to take over this book. 

That would mean a lot to me if someone wanted to continue writing on this book, because I don't want to throw this idea away. 

At the start it was going to well and I was so happy with this book but then my ideas dissapeard and I got no inspiration anymore. 

I dont like that I have to stop this book yet again, but this time it's forreal. 

I can't continue this one, I hate myself for saying this, but if not someone wants to take over this book, I'll have to take it down. 

I can't continue seeing this book and think of all of you that are reading this book, it hurts that I can't come up with a new chapter. 

I really love Alex, she is amazing but... 

I can't anymore guys..

I'm so sorry..

So please someone, take over this book for me..

Just dm if you want this book..

I love you guys so much, I hope you understand and won't get mad at me..

All love;


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