fifteen // i should be everything you hate

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--Courtney's P.O.V--

"Yes, Billie, we should be back in Canada by tonight."

"Good, because I need more parent tips. I'm pretty sure Joey hates me."

I rolled my eyes as I kept the phone pressed against my ear by using my shoulder as I threw all the remaining clothes on Pierre and I's bed into my suitcase. "Billie Joe, he doesn't hate you at all. He's a baby. You just need to get used to being a dad."

"Well, Joey was an accident!" He retorted. "We didn't mean for him to happen as soon as he did!"

"Séverine was an accident too, but Pierre and I have learned that she was the best accident of our lives." He sighed on the other end of the line and I plopped down into the edge of the bed. "Okay, you know what, Billie? If you really think you suck as a dad, I'll give you lessons on how to improve."

"Since the tour doesn't start for another two weeks, Panic and Twenty One Pilots don't want to go back home and just turn around and fly right back to start the tour, Chuck has the dropped the great idea of camping. I'm really not a big fan of the idea, but Canada has nice weather this time of year to do so. We'll be staying at an actual campground, so do you, Adrienne, and Joey want to tag along?"

Billie Joe Armstrong was a very conflicted person. Touring was everything to him. He wanted to be out on the road, performing for all of Green Day's fans, but he also didn't want to lose Adrienne, who was the love of his life. The entire time Adrienne was pregnant with Joey, Billie was on tour which lead to a lot of stress in their marriage. Now, he was frantically trying to fix everything while still having the urge to be out on the road.

"I'll have to ask Adrienne," he explained. "However, I'm all for it. I'm sure Joey would like to play with Benji and Bowser since they really are only two years apart."

I raised my eyebrows. "They love hanging around Joey, but I'm literally waiting for one of the twins to accidentally hurt him or something. That wouldn't be very good."

"True, but when he gets older, he'll probably punch one of the them in the face like I used to do to people that annoyed me."

"If your son punches any of my children, I will personally kill you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I looked up as I heard the door open to see Pierre coming back from taking our children to breakfast. "Momma!" Bowser cried, trying, without success, to climb into my lap.

I chuckled. "Hey, Billie, I'm going to have to go, but be sure to ask Adrienne about the camping trip. I'll shoot you a text later to remind you."

I could picture him nodding to himself on the other end of the line. "Okay. Have a safe trip home, Courtney."

"Thanks," with that I hung up the phone.

"How's Billie Joe doing?" Pierre asked as I pulled Bowser and Séverine into my lap while he held onto Benji.

"Worrying about being a parent," I responded.

Pierre grinned. "I remember worrying about being a parent. I didn't get good at being a dad until you were like two." He leaned down to kiss Séverine.

"He didn't know how to change a diaper properly until you were one," I whispered in my daughter's ear, causing her to giggle.

"I learned!" He retorted back in defense. "Besides, I was twenty at the time Séverine was born. I had never been around babies in my life."

I raised my eyebrows. "You think I had been around babies before we had kids? Well, you thought wrong."

I stood up, sitting Bowser and Séverine down on the bed. "Are you guys ready to go back home?"

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