three // the day goes by and you can't change it

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--Courtney's P.O.V--

The next morning I woke up with Pierre not by my side like usual and my sons bouncing up and down demanding for me to get out of bed.

"Wake up, mommy!

"Daddy has been up for ages!"

I groaned, my eyes slowly opening to see two identical faces staring down at me. The clock on the nightstand read ten o'clock and I was automatically surprised that I slept that late. "Hi," I muttered as they both plopped down next to me. "I'm guessing daddy decided to pick you up from grandma's early."

Before either of them could respond, a voice called up the stairs. "Benji! Bowser! What did I tell you about disturbing mommy?"

The twins eyes widened as they climbed off the bed, their little feet pattering on the hardwood floor as they raced out of the room, not wanting to get in trouble with their father. I chuckled, propping myself up on my elbows as Pierre popped into the room.

"Sorry," he said, sheepishly. "I told them to leave you alone, but they never seem to listen."

"Reminds me of you," I responded, throwing back the covers and sitting up. "Besides, they are only two. Wait until they become teenagers and they will really remind me of you."

Pierre shuddered at the thought. "I was a such a horrible teenager. I absolutely hated my parents and I still kinda do and I was also not very responsible considering the fact that we were expecting Séverine when we were both nineteen."

"You wouldn't change your life for anything in the world."

"You're right. I wouldn't." He stepped forward to plant a kiss on my lips. "Since you didn't get a proper good morning, it's only my duty to change that."

Pierre kissed my cheek. "Good morning, Courtney, mon amour. Je t'aime avec tout ce que je dois." He planted multiple kisses up the side of my face between every word.

I giggled. "I may understand a lot of French because of you, but I am still American. My boyfriend chuckled, pulling me to my feet. "One day, you will be fluent. However, right now, you need to get dressed. The boys will be here any minute and you have a surprise in the living room."

I raised my eyebrows.

"You'll see when you get downstairs."


No more than five minutes later, I was dressed and darting down the stairs while trying to tie my hair up in a neat bun. I was greeted by Pierre cooking pancakes for Séverine while Benji and Bowser sat in different highchairs with bowls of cereal in front of them.

"Mommy!" Séverine screeched, vaulting up from her chair at the table and tackling me into a hug. I lifted her up into my arms with a grunt. "Good morning, my little princess. I see that you requested pancakes again."

"For the fifth time this week," Pierre added."I'm becoming a pancake master." I walked over to where he stood in front of the stove to see nine pancakes cooking. "Why are you cooking three extra pancakes? Normally you cook six."

Pierre nodded towards the doorway that lead towards the living room. "Go see who's in there and you'll understand."

I sat Séverine down onto one of the kitchen chairs before turning around to step into the living room. I really didn't know who I expected to see that would eat three whole pancakes by themselves, but Billie Joe Armstrong was a pleasant surprise. He was sprawled out on the black leather couch, just staring up at the ceiling.

"Billie?" I asked, gently touching his shoulder. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Adrienne?"

The boy slowly opened his eyes and without all the eyeliner he wore, I could tell how bad his insomnia really was. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks and his black hair was an absolute mess.

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