eight // together we broke all the rules

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--Tyler's P.O.V--

"I cannot believe that you got a boner the moment you laid eyes on Courtney tonight," Josh remarked, still laughing over the incident as he pulled off his tuxedo and changed into his pajamas.

When I didn't say anything in return, he sighed. "Look, I know you are angry at me because I asked her to dance, but that gave you the opportunity to run to the bathroom and fix yourself. Also, I can't believe that you didn't ask her to dance when you came back either. I know she looked very attractive, but you probably wouldn't have developed another problem just by dancing with her."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and pulling my knees up to my chest. "Josh, I'm not angry at you in any way. I just can't believe the moment I saw her I turned into a teenage boy just going through puberty again. You weren't the only one that knew either. Nick was trying not to laugh like crazy."

Josh scoffed. "Nick finds everything funny. Trust me, him laughing means nothing. Also, Courtney has you wrapped around her little finger. It doesn't matter if you are a teenager or not, you are obviously sexually attractive to her."

"I'm sexually attractive to her honestly! If Courtney Akehurst came up to me and said that she loved me, you won't believe what I would do. However, you are my best friend and hopelessly in love with her, so I choose to keep my thoughts to myself."

I sighed, pulling the comforter of my bed over my head. Talking to Josh about Courtney was a bit strange. Maybe it was because I was never this open around him or maybe it was because I'm learning that he too had some thoughts about her. "Pierre doesn't understand how lucky he is to have her. He really doesn't."

Josh rolled his eyes. "Tyler, I don't think you get it. Pierre isn't ungrateful. He loves her with every fiber of his being and I do think he realizes how lucky he is to have three beautiful children with her. And I just want you to understand that maybe you do need to start moving on."

I groaned in response before flipping the lamp off, throwing the room into darkness. "Good night, Josh."

--Courtney's P.O.V--

Pierre and I's lips molded together and moved in sync as he pressed my body up against the door, causing pain to shoot up my back from the force he applied. My hands found their way to the back of his neck as he commanded me to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist.

"You wanted the full prom experience," Pierre mumbled. "That's exactly what you are getting."

I chuckled, breathlessly, leaning my forehead against his. "If this is the full prom experience, I've already been through it."

Pierre didn't respond as he lowered me gently down onto the bed and began to unbutton his tuxedo jacket, slipping it off of his shoulders. He moved onto his belt as I smiled softly. "Thank you for making this night special. Thank you for loving me through everything."

My fiancée grinned as he lowered himself down next to me. "I'd do anything for you, mon amour. I love you and no matter what happens, I will always love you."

"I love you too."

Pierre reached out to cup my face in his hands before bringing our lips together once again and cutting me off. He shifted his body to where he was on top of me, breaking the kiss. "Okay, now you need to tell me how to get this corset thing off."


I sighed, quietly, as Pierre stroked my back. He was starting to fall asleep because I could hear his breathing getting slower and slower and I wish I could fall asleep too, but my mind wouldn't stop working.

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