nine // there's a scream inside that we all try to hide

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Interviewer: Paramore just released their new album, which happens to be self-titled, and the first album without founding member, Jeremy Davis, who left the band in December of 2015. It seems to taken you guys a long time to write and record the new record.

(Hayley chuckles): Trust me, Taylor and I know. We were kinda just living in the moment and dealing with some issues. However, we are back and ready to tour.

Interviewer: Is there a certain song on the album that really sticks out to you and means something?

Hayley: There is a track named Hate to See Your Heart Break, which I actually wrote with Courtney Akehurst, who is preparing to release her debut album. A couple months back, her and I were both going theough some hard times, her more than me, but I couldn't stand to see her hurting, so I suggested that we write a song together.

Interviewer: So that is how Hate to See Your Heart Break was born?

(Hayley nods): Yep, and Courtney and I also recording a duet together of the song and it will be featured on her album, so keep a look out!

--Tyler's P.O.V--

"So when were Bowser and Benji born?" I asked, casually as I fidgeted in my seat next to Courtney, who held both sleeping twins. A dark-haired girl beside her held Séverine who was just looking around at the stage and all the people wondering about.

Courtney smiled down at her boys, love filling her blue eyes. "They were born on March 23rd of 2018. They were supposed to be born in the middle of April, but I guess they couldn't wait to come into this world. That's why they were born in Norway instead of Canada. Norway was the last show that the guys had to play, so we thought we could make it back in time, but apparently not."

It always amazed me how Courtney was able to produce such beautiful children. Séverine was utterly gorgeous because she took after her mother in looks, but Bowser and Benji took after Pierre more and they were still flawless.

"The names you chose for them are quite unique," I remarked. "The only other time I have ever heard Benji is from the guitarist of Good Charlotte and of course, I've heard Bowser from Mario."

Courtney chuckled as Bowser shifted slightly in her arms, almost knocking the big headphones he had on off of his ears. "Pierre and I always wanted to give our kids unique names. We agreed on Séverine almost instantly when I was pregnant with her; however, it took forever to agree upon the twins' names. Originally, their names were going to be Lathan and Dalton, but somehow Benji and Bowser won."

I raised my eyebrows. "If those are the names you guys had in the running, I'm afraid to know what their middle names are."

"Their middle names are calmer than their first names, I promise you," she responded. "Benji's is Lux and Bowser's is Noel. We picked Lux because we thought it sounded cool and since Benji's first name was a musician's name we decided to give Bowser a middle name named for a musician, which happened to be Noel Gallagher of Oasis."

I shook my head, a grin on my face. "I always knew you were strange." My eyes scanned across the stage, watching stagehands running back and forth, trying to set up various pieces of equipment. Josh still hadn't made an appearance and I wondered where he was. He said that he would make it in time for Simple Plan's set, but based on the time, I didn't think he would.

"So I heard Twenty One Pilots has been doing really well. I haven't had the chance to listen to the new album, but I read a lot of reviews for it."

Courtney's voice torn my eyes away from the stage and I turned towards her. "Yeah, we've been doing really well, but you read reviews for our album?" I was shocked that she even bothered to keep up on our music whether it was through actually listening to it or reading reviews.

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