twelve // do i try to hard to make you smile?

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--Courtney's P.O.V--

Pierre's brother refused to let him cancel another tour because of him. Jay had to go through another round of chemotherapy before the second bone marrow transplant and that could take months. His other brother, Jonathan, was a match with his marrow, but Pierre wanted to do his part and try to see if his bone marrow matched as well where Jonathan didn't have to go through the process again. Overall, there was nothing he could do for the time being to help.

After he finally explained his strange behavior, he sobbed for an good hour or so, letting out the emotions that he had been keeping bottled up since the early morning. Luckily, Séverine was a heavy sleeper and didn't even move a muscle. I decided against telling him about Tyler and I. I felt bad from keeping something like this from him, but I didn't trust him not to go and give Tyler a black eye just because he was upset about his brother.

However, today, Pierre's emotions were starting to get better. The sadness in his eyes still lingered, but he wasn't bursting into random fits of rage which gave me one less thing to worry about. On the other hand, I still worried about Tyler and I's relationship, and Panic at the Disco was performing on the main deck tonight.

Brendon finally came through and revealed what his blackmail plan was. Needless to say, I wasn't happy, but I wanted him to keep his mouth shut, so I had no choice but to comply. Ever since Brendon Urie and I met, he has not been quiet about the fact that he thought I was pretty, so when he revealed that he wanted me to be one of the dancers in Build God, Then We'll Talk, I was only a little bit surprised.

I didn't prefer to strut around on a stage in very uncomfortable clothing while dancing around Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross, but that was what I was being forced to do. London and Winnie kept trying to encourage me, but it honestly wasn't working. Winnie was actually excited to see how well I was going to dance while London just seemed a bit distracted.

There could be many reasons why she was distracted and I felt bad to ask, but I didn't want her to think that I didn't care. It turned out that she, against David's judgement, turned on the TV and managed to see an amber alert issued for her in the first five minutes of watching the news. The police released that she was a runaway and may have left her home to be with her boyfriend. Her parents even came on the news for an interview and begged for her to return home.

Of course, she didn't want to go back, but she was afraid that people were going to recognize her from her appearance and turn her in. If that happened, David could possibly have charges brought against him. I assured her that everything was going to be fine, but I could see the doubt in her eyes.

"Do you think I could dye my hair?" She asked me as we sat at one of the tables on the main deck. A smile found its way onto my lips as I watched Pierre dance around with Séverine under one of things that had water pouring from it. MacKenzie and Jeff were entertaining Benji by throwing a beach ball back and forth while Bowser was content with just sitting on my lap.

"I'm sure if you really wanted to, Hayley would let her stylist, Brian, dye it for you, using her hair dye," I responded, handing Bowser his Mario sippy cup that he was reaching for. "What color do you want to do anyway?"

"Not red," she blurted out. "I did that once and it was an absolutely disaster. I'm thinking maybe doing blue or purple. I just need to look different."

Seeing London so worried was making me agitated. I wanted to put her mind at ease, but I had no clue as to how. David tried to cheer her up by suggesting that she get in the water with him, but, like me, she couldn't swim. He declared that he wasn't going to swim then, but Benji practically dragged him in, screaming, "uncle David, please come and play with me!"
That caused a smile to form on the seventeen year old's face, but it was very short-lived.

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