Dear Lucy,

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Before you rip or burn this letter, just please hear me out. I needed to write down the thoughts in my head before they drove me insane.

First of all, I'm sorry that I couldn't find any better paper to write on. They didn't have any fancy notebooks at the gas station. All the stationary made me think about you; your dream of becoming a writer. 

Second, I'm leaving. I'm hopping on my motorcycle and ditching this town. Before you say it, no this isn't your fault. It was solely my decision. Please don't blame yourself, even though I know you will anyway. 

I just needed to get away, clear my head of this town. 

I don't know when I'll be back, so I guess this is goodbye. Maybe we'll see each other in the future, I don't know. I don't have a planned destination, so please don't come looking for me. You have your whole life ahead of you, don't let me drag you down. 

I never once doubted that I loved you Lucy. I still do. I don't think I'll ever stop. Sometimes these things just fall through. Although our journey has been an emotional roller coaster, I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Every single moment with you was amazing. 

Your smile, your laugh, your tears, your heart, everything about you was and is amazing. 

I'll never forget the first time that we met: that salmon dress that showed off your features, your golden hair, and those chocolate brown eyes that just made me melt. Ever since that day I've become a better person. I never thought a girl would change me, but honey, I'm glad you did.

You've changed my cold heart, made it whole. Thank you for that.

Thank you for everything. 

I'll see you when I see you.

Love you Blondie.


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