Chapter 2: Alpha Delta

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~Lucy's POV~

"Natsu got in Alpha Delta?" Levy asked as she released a strand of my hair from the hot curling iron.

"Yea, they had orientation for all the newbies last week." I was contemplating between two different lipsticks. Red for daring, or pink for cute?

"What did he have to do? I know fraternities have like super crazy initiation activities." My fingers grazed over the smooth cap of the lipsticks, the red calling my name. I want to make a good impression.

"I don't know," I shook my head. "He's not allowed to tell, fraternities honor." I won't lie, I was kind of hesitant when Natsu told me. Frat boys have a reputation of being assholes. That's only stereotypical though. "Gajeel's rooming with Gray right?"

As soon as I said his name, Levy's face brightened through the mirror. You could easily see how much she loved him.

"Yea, he'll be at the party tonight too!" I smiled in response, happy for her. "Your hair's all done!" She smiled, framing my face with her hands. "You're beautiful darling."

"Awh thanks!" I exclaimed with excitement. I stared at my reflection, satisfied with my appearance. All that was needed was the lipstick. I grabbed a hold of the cap and flicked it off.

"You look beautiful as well Lev." She was wearing a little white dress that complimented her hair quite nicely. Like mine, it was tight and stuck to her body. I quickly, but neatly, applied the lipstick.

"Oh staph!" She twirled, smiling from ear to ear. I laughed, amused with her cuteness. I was wearing a little black dress, lace trailing up my neck.

"You ready to go?" I asked, standing up from the small desk. She nodded, grabbing her gold pumps.

"Hey, don't drink too much tonight." Levy winked at me, letting out a laugh. "We do have class tomorrow."

"Pft!" I exasperated, shooing her away. I hesitated a second, looking away from her. "Alright I'll try not too."

She laughed, clutching her stomach.
"I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"Thanks girl," I said winking while I pointed my finger at her.

"Just think about it. Elementary teachers can't come to work with a hangover." She gave me a stern look, but she wasn't seriously criticizing me.

"I know, I know."

Alpha Delta, the frat house located about a block away from our dorm, was massive. I felt a hint of jealousy that Natsu was living in some huge house without me.

As soon as we exited our dorm, we could hear the distant beat of the music. As we got closer, the bass frequencies increased.

When the frat house came into sight, Levy and I stood in bewilderment. There were hundreds of people outside on the front lawn, hanging over the balcony, and in the back yard. Red solo cups and toilet paper scattered across the green grass. First day and it was already messy.

"W-wow, there's a lot of people here."Levy stuttered, suddenly feeling nervous. She took a tiny step behind me, hiding from the house.

"Come on, it'll be fine." I said tugging her arm, her worried eyes relaxing. I pulled her towards the house, passing  a bunch of people.

Many of the boys looked at us as we passed, their girlfriends not amused. I met them with a smile, trying to show a positive image. The music was blaring into our ears, difficult to even hear Levy, who was right beside me.

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