Chapter 12: The Revival

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~Lucy's POV~

It's been almost two days, and the doctors still refuse visitors. Trust me, I've inappropriately given them such a hard time. I always ask his status, but no one has been able to give me a clear update.

Juvia, Gray, Erza, Levy, Gajeel, Mira, Laxus, Anna, Sting, and even my father have been here since they found out. I feel grimy, sleep deprived, and mentally unstable. I deny hunger, even though my stomach has been nipping away at any kind of muscle that was left on my frail body.

Juvia's head lay on Gray's shoulder, eyes closed, mouth agape. Our party occupied almost all of the chairs in the waiting room. Most of us were sleeping, but I couldn't bring myself to that relaxation. An incoming doctor made most of us jump to our feet.

His eyes went wide at the sight of us. I suppose he wasn't expecting so many people. "Are you all here for Natsu Dragneel?" His glasses reflected the white LED lights from above, hiding his eyes. Murmurs of confirmation occurred, a dozen eyes peering at him with hope. 

"I need to speak with any direct family members." The doctors clean, yet shaggy hair flopped as he looked down at his clipboard. Anna took a step forward, wiping away her non-stop tears with a tissue. "Please come with me," he motioned her towards the nearest hallway.

She shot me a smile before she turned the corner. My heart dropped, hope leaking out of my body. I sluggishly sat back down in my very uncomfortable hospital chair. I covered my face with my hands, a sigh of worry and frustration exiting my mouth.

"He's gonna be okay Lucy, I know it." As Sting's hand made contact with my back, I immediately flinched. I looked at him with insanity in my eyes, obviously feeling very conflicted. I kissed him because I was drunk. My head just wasn't in the right place.

"Sting, I-"

"Lucy, you don't have to apologize. I get it." He showed a sorrowful smile, his eyes softening at my facial expression. I'm glad he understood, but I still felt guilty.

"Just," he paused, running a hand through his hair. "Forget about it." He tried showing a toothy grin, but I could see through his facade. My mind was too occupied to deal with this right now.

At an instant, Anna came back from around the corner. Her movement jerked me out of my seat. I examined her face, her posture, anything that could give me some kind of answer. The rest of the room went silent, awaiting her news.

"He's fine, just a little banged up." Relief washed over me like an ocean. "The immediate surgery was just fixing a bit of internal bleeding. He's all patched up now." I gently grabbed both sides of Anna's arms, questions swirling around my brain.

"Is he accepting visitors? Is anything broken? When can we-"

"He said he wanted to see you." My heart fluttered. Even after everything we've been through, I still have a crush on him. Out of all the people here, he wanted to see me? I faced her, eyes wide with shock and concern. I couldn't wait to see him. I quickly walked past her, making my way towards his room.

My heart was beating endlessly fast. I was sick of walking, so I picked it up to a jog. The hallways were narrow and plain, but they all passed in a blur. I eventually found the door knob and opened it swiftly.

The room smelled of anesthetic products and rubber gloves. The tile bellow had a metal shine to it, showing a contorted reflection. There was a blue curtain outlining the shadow of Natsu's hospital bed. Files, containers, and medical instruments were scattered around the room, occupying almost all of the extra counter space.

"Natsu?" I asked timidly as I pushed the curtain away. As he came into view, tears started building up in my eyes. The first thing I noticed was his hair. Each pink strand casted away from his face, standing out against everything in this room. His arm was in a cast, and he had little bandages covering different areas of his face and body. He also had little tubes injected into his arm, dripping some kind of liquid into his body.

"Hey Luce, how are ya?" His eyes were closed, but he was smiling. I made my way towards his side of the bed, crouching down to eye level.

"I'm sorry." At this moment, Natsu's eyes shot open. He made eye contact with me, his face hardening. I don't know why, but in this moment, I had to come clean. "I'm sorry for being so selfish, for accusing you, for not realizing my own mistakes."

"Lucy," he said compassionately, a drunken smile placed on his lips. Even in painful times, he refused to show sadness.

"I've been a terrible girlfriend, friend, and person in general. I ignored my own flaws and focused on yours. I'd understand if you were angry with me, if you never wanted to see me again, if you left-" He grabbed my hand, interrupting my entire spiel.

"Shh, It's okay." He spoke with a tender and soothing voice, one that could surely make anyone feel safe. He grabbed my hand, the familiar feeling bringing new tears to my eyes. "I'm not mad, I just want my Lucy back." He started rubbing his thumb across the top of my hand. "I never stopped loving you, and I never will. Even if we both messed up, I have confidence that we can do this." I couldn't even hide my relief. I sobbed cries of happiness as his words spilled off of his lips. "We'll rebuild our trust, our relationship."

"Thank you for accepting my apology." A genuine smile spread across my face. I hopped up onto his hospital bed, leaning beside him. There was just enough room for me to squeeze in next to him. "I never stopped loving you either." He cupped my face with his open hand, the admiration shining in his eyes. I ever so gently kissed his lips. A feeling of security, happiness, and bliss blossomed throughout my body.

We lay there for a little while, not speaking, just staring into the eyes of the other. After a while, I was alerted by Natsu's nurse that visiting hours were coming to a close.

"What happened? What's the damage?" I said poking his arm lightly. Eager for more clarity before I had to leave.

"Some idiot ran a red light, hit me right in the middle of the intersection." He suddenly laughed, the drugs obviously getting to his head. I wanted to dig out my phone to capture his silly behavior on tape, but I didn't. "Funny story," he started. "I was actually on my way to give you this." He sluggishly reached his arm over the white, plastic hospital bars, grabbing a letter from the bed side table.

His hand was trembling as he held the end of a cream colored envelope. He handed it to me, my name written in small black letters on the cover.

"What is this?" I asked, turning it over in my hands. My eyes flicked up from the paper to Natsu's eyes. I started playing with the creases, eager to rip the neatly folded parchment.

"Don't open it, not here." He was suddenly serious, his eyes full of something mysterious. I hesitantly nodded, putting the letter down beside me.

"Ms. Heartfilia?" A nurse questioned from behind the light blue sheet.  Her brown eyes stood out against the color. "Visiting hours have come to a close. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I nodded, looking back into Natsu's onyx eyes.

"When are you discharged from the hospital?" I asked quickly, scanning every inch of his face.

"Either tomorrow or Thursday." He answered, his gaze meeting mine.

"I'll be back tomorrow okay?" I sweetly kissed his forehead and scooted off the bed. I waved goodbye and left the dreary hospital room.

Everything was suddenly at ease. I feel like a piece of myself had been returned. I had grown, I knew it. I used to be a shy, insecure girl who didn't stand up for herself, for what she believed in. Natsu changed me. Natsu showed me how to be confident, how to love, how to completely love myself.

Even if you think something is dead, it can always be revived.


Don't worry everybody, the story is not OFFICIALLY over yet. There will be some epilogue chapters after this one. I have a few planned out that I'm sure you all with love. Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate it. I couldn't have done this without you guys! Until next time, DorkyCat :3

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