Chapter 7: Lonely Nights

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~Before the breakup~

"Hi dad," I said semi-enthusiastically into the phone. "What's up?"

"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" I could tell from my father's tone that he was happy to hear me.

"I'm great Dad, how are you?" I silently sighed, a smile spreading across my lips. Life is good right now. I'm extremely grateful to be where I am due to previous events in my family.

"I'm alright. I went to therapy this morning, but that's not exactly what I wanted to talk about."

Natsu then pinched my waist, a small squeak escaping my throat. We had been watching a movie in his room when my dad called. I quickly brought my finger to my lips to silence him. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. He bit his tongue to resist himself from laughing, a gesture that made me melt.

"Uh," my dad paused. "You still there Lucy?" I quickly snapped my gaze away from Natsu.

"Yea," I said sweetly. "Sorry I got a little distracted." I scratched my head, trying to bring myself back to reality. Even though I tried, Natsu continued to mess with me. He began poking the dimples on my cheeks, another melting gesture.

"Is that boy treating you nicely?" He randomly spurted. At this point, Natsu's attention was brought back to the phone. His onyx eyes stared into mine, awaiting an answer. His gaze captured me, forcing me to stutter.

"Y-yes. I promise." Natsu smirked, obviously pleased. Alright, now I'm just a Lucy puddle.

My dad cleared his throat. "Well I just wanted to ask you about Thanksgiving."

"Thanksgiving?" I tilted my head slightly to show my confusion, Natsu reciprocated. "Isn't that like 2 months away?"

"Yes, but Anna and I already discussed our plans. We talked and thought it would be a good idea to just hold Thanksgiving dinner over here. What do you think?"

My heart fluttered with emotion. My first Thanksgiving with Natsu.

"That sounds good to me. I'm sure Natsu will be fine with it as well."  I eyed him with a bashful smile.

"Alright, it's settled then." My dad stated cheerfully. "We can't wait for you two to visit. I miss you so much." Although I tried to feel sympathetic, the words just couldn't find themselves.

"We'll see you soon, okay?  Tell Anna I said hello." I ignored my dad's pry at some kind of forgiveness. "Bye."

~Present Day~
Sleep is a blessing, but it can only do so much. Sleep is a distraction from all the real problems going on in our lives, but once we wake up, the realization hits us.

It's been a week.
I think I've slept more than I have in my entire life. I crave sleep so that all the memories will go away. I've ditched a weeks worth of classes, what do they matter anyway?

Natsu was my everything, and without your everything, what is there to live for? I've lost 5 pounds, refusing any kind of substance that is edible. I think I've already puked out all my internal organs.

Of course, Levy has been by my side day and night. She's an amazing friend. She brings me movies to watch, tasty snacks that are never finished, and eases the pain.

The last few nights she's joined me in my bed, calming me down after terribly scary nightmares. The breakup scene keeps playing like a never ending film in my mind.

Currently, I had received no texts, calls, or emails from him. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

It's obvious that he's not interested anymore, but I can always hope.

*Ring Ring*

The silent noise scared me as it exited my phone. Confidence built inside me, hoping that the caller was Natsu, but I was unfortunately mistaken.

I mustered up as much confidence and happiness as I could and answered the phone.

"Hi Dad," my voice hoarse.

"Hi Lucy! You feeling alright? You're voice sounds different."

"Yea, it's just a sore throat." I lied. I seemed to be pretty good at that lately.

"Awh, feel better baby." He paused. "Anyways, are you still coming to Thanksgiving dinner next week?" I mentally sighed, new tears starting to form.

"Um," I sniffled, "about that."

"Yes?" My dad was so excited about this dinner that I just couldn't steal that away from him.

"Are we still on for 6 in the evening?" I stalled, trying to force down my tears

"Yes, we'll see you there."

"Are Anna and Natsu still coming?" I spastically blurted out.

"Yes?" He questioned suspiciously. Why wouldn't they?"

"No reason." Wow, I could start a career for professional lying.

"You sure you're okay Lucy?" My dad asked again, my fists starting to ball up in frustration.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just had a bad day." I said through gritted teeth. I didn't want to lash out at my father, but I was on the brink of exploding. 

"I'm sorry sweetie, feel better." 

"Thanks Dad." I whispered, a sob caught in my throat. My anger turned to sadness. 

"I'll leave you alone now. We'll see you next week for Thanksgiving. Feel better, bye!" 

"Bye," I replied bluntly. I fell back against my pillow, preparing for another lonely night. 

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