Chapter 15: Surprise

Start from the beginning

He gently tugged his arm back as I released my grip. He made his way to the door, but not before leaning down to whisper something to Frank. "I'll take my leave; I'll be waiting for you two outside," Vincent said coldly as he closed the room door behind him.

Frank nodded and glued his eyes to Doctor Hans. I turned back to Doctor Hans. His expression was in pure shock and he was completely red-faced.

"W-well, shall we c-continue," Hans stammered as he put on a pair of teal latex gloves. Frank and I nodded.

I laid back down on my backside and positioned my legs on the metal, cushioned holders. A cold rush of air went up my hospital gown, kissing my bare thighs.

Doctor Hans approached me with a white, long rod. "Miss Hakim, this may feel a bit uncomfortable, but I'm going to need for you to relax; inhale and exhale, slowly.

I did as I was instructed and breathed in and out. My breathing meditation went on for about five seconds before I felt something hard and cold enter my vagina. On instinct, I arched my back and moaned lightly.

"Relax, Miss Hakim. Just relax," I heard Hans say calmly.

"Is this supposed to happen," Frank asked worriedly.

"Of course, this response is common among women who want this type of ultrasound," Hans answered nonchalantly.

I was relaxed now, but my vaginal walls were repeatedly gripping the rod that was inside of me. I watched Doctor Hans typing away at a computer beside us. The screen was in black and white and I couldn't really make out anything on it.

"This is inside your vagina," Doctor Hans said bluntly. "Right here is an ovary," he continued, pointing at a grey, circular object. "Over here is an embryo...and...Another embryo?"

I jerked my head up to get a better look at the computer screen and gasped. There, on the screen, were two grayish, small embryos surrounded by two black round oval shapes.

"Congratulations, Miss Hakim. You're having twins," Doctor Hans said with a warm smile.

"What," I heard Frank question at the same moment as myself. I couldn't believe that there were two little people inside of my body.

"Shadé, y-you're having t-t-twins," Frank said, stating the obvious. His voice sounded a bit louder, as if he was standing closer.

I turned my head away from the computer screen and confirmed my inquiry of Frank's position. He was standing right beside the bed, watching the screen in shock.

"Based on the sizes, you're eleven weeks along in your pregnancy," he informed.

"Eleven weeks," Frank and I repeated.

I was eleven weeks pregnant with my first babies. My babies. Seeing that ultrasound, albeit blurry, seemed so unreal to me. I was only nineteen and already having my first two children. My little munchkins were ten weeks old in my womb.

"Would you like a photograph of the ultrasound," Doctor Hans asked.

"Y-yes, of course," I nodded.

I couldn't believe I was having twins. It could be a possibility that I was having two boys, or two girls, or even one boy and one girl. Whatever the genders of the babies were, I still had to think about whether they will look like Vincent or not. Speaking of Vincent, I wasn't entirely sure if I should even tell him that I was having more than one baby.

After I had gotten the printed copy of my ultrasound, Doctor Hans reminded me that I was to have another appointment in a month.

As Frank and I headed out of the pediatric ward, I finally spoke.

"Please don't tell Vincent," I said softly, praying that he wouldn't object.

I heard Frank's heavy footsteps stop in their tracks. I would've kept walking, but he grabbed me by my shoulders.

"What!? Are you telling me that you're trying to keep this a secret!? Shadé, If you haven't noticed, those are Vincent's babies as well," Frank whisper-yelled.

I felt my eyes slightly water as I spoke. "But, I don't want him to feel like he's being overwhelmed. He's going to be a King soon. He doesn't need to worry about my children and I don't need him to concern himself with them," I retorted angrily, but still kept my voice low.

"Folashadé, listen to yourself," Frank shook me by my shoulders. "He loves you, I know he does. But, you're pushing him away," Frank said, slowly stopping his shaking of my shoulders.

I yanked his arms away from me and frowned, wiping my watery eyes. I don't need this today. I don't need Vincent at all.

"After what he did to me last month, I don't need him," I said, more to myself.

"Why are you keep telling yourself this," he asked exasperatedly as he tugged at the strands of his blonde hair.

I repeatedly shook my head as if it would keep all the hurt and stress that Vincent caused me at bay.

"Frank, I don't want a relationship with him! You know that can't happen," I nearly pleaded. I wanted to cry, thinking of the emotional stress that I've had to deal with. I'm sure that there would be more stress to come if I continued to make my life relative to his.

Frank sighed in defeat and dropped his hands from my shoulders. "Is that how you feel, Shadé," he asked in defeat.

I slowly nodded in response and placed my hands delicately on my growing belly. I was having twins; twins whose father was going to be a king, but did that mean that I needed him? Not even. I'm sure I can raise my own two children on my own. I can focus on my babies and Vincent can focus on ruling his kingdom.

Frank and I walked out of the hospital and spotted the familiar Rolls Royce, parked nearby with Troy standing outside patiently. I knew that Vincent was inside of the vehicle, but I couldn't see him. The windows were darkly tinted.

"Frank, can I sit in the front, please," I pleaded, my please resembling that of a begging child.

Frank furrowed his eyebrows, but nodded as he made way for the left backseat door.

The moment we had gotten into the car, I could feel the tension rise between Vincent and me. I refused to make eye contact with him, I was so angry.

"Well, what happened," Vincent asked curiously.

Neither Frank nor I answered his question.

I'm Having a Royal Baby {ORIGINAL VERSION; BOOK 2}Where stories live. Discover now