Sakura took deep breaths and walked up to Sasori, she calmly reached for his front shirt then proceeded to shake him. Hard.

"You could have told me something Baaka". She cried.

"What could I have told you? Hey Sakura, I'm in the Akatsuki, wanna join?."  ". He questioned rather childishly, grabbing her elbows to stop her from shaking him further. "Sakura? ". He said softly.

"You could have told me that you were in the Akatsuki." she breathed out.

"Looks like Danna is getting beat by his little sister. " Deidara snickered.

Sasori glared at him, as he gently wrapped his arms around his sister's shoulders.
"I didn't tell you because you would be in danger, I don't want you to be in danger." He commented softly, His attention now back on his sister.

Deidara blinked in surprise, he had never seen this emotional side of Sasori before.
Letting go of his sister, Sasori turned his attention to the people around him.
"What?. Haven't you people seen a sibling moment before? ". He snapped.

"Alright back to the fight, I'm ready to pummel him " TenTen broke everyone out of their thoughts.

"Oh yeah, well I'm up for a fight myself!. " Deidara exclaimed.

Teny blinked at his sudden changed in demeanor
"Oh really, then bring it on buddy. " she said pulling up her sleeves once more.

Sakura felt her left eye twitch as she saw that damn smirk on the older Uchiha lips. How she knew he was an Uchiha wasn't a hard guess, black hair, eyes, everything.  As she was about to Open her mouth to say something. Temari had suddenly pulled Teny away from Deidara, The  spiky orange haired guy also pulled Deidara back.
Both of them still glaring at each other.

"Wait, Tem, I haven't pummeled him into the ground yet". Teny whined, shaking a fist at Deidara.

Temari rolled her eyes. "calm down, you idiot. ". She ordered, praying for some patience.

"Hey, I was up for a fight, you know ". Deidara muttered to the guy holding him.
Pein, his name was,  glared at him.
"You want to fight a girl? ". He asked incredulously.

"So?. "Deidara shot back, sulking.

Temari eyed the orange spiky haired guy in front of her, did he actually think Tenten would lose to the whiny blonde?.
"So what?. Teny here could kick his ass any time ". She said smugly.

Pein narrowed his eyes at her. "You really think so huh?. " he retorted.

Temari raised an eyebrow,  "Oh I know so buddy." she smirked.

Pein gave the girl a one over, she was a piece of work, standing up to him like that.

"Temari, drop it we all know we could kick their assess." Ino butted in, her patience with this situation was running dangerously low.

"Teny!". She sneered. Said girl turned around and raised an eyebrow.

" Hurry it up ". She growled.

A guy with short black spiky hair eyed Ino. "You really think you five girls could kick our assess.?" he mocked, arms crossed with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Who are you?. " Ino asked, having now noticed him.

"You wanna bet? We'll mop the floor with you losers." Temari added to Ino's comment.

"The name is Obito Uchiha... now let's get testing on this theory of yours shall we. " he smirked, Ino should have known, Uchihas and their egos.

Sasori stood next to Obito."I will take this side. " he announced.

Sakura gaped at her brother.
"Why are youtaking their side! ". She shrieked.

"Yeah Danna.. Do you wanna go up against your sister? ". Deidara snickered.

Suddenly, there was a bang behind them, gaining the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. Turning around to see Kiba on the floor.

"Sorry wasn't watching where I was going, But Hey I got a free hug from the wall." he grinned.

Tenten rolled her eyes at her brother. "What are you doing Kiba.?" she asked tonelessly..

Kiba could hear the irritation in his sister's voice, and he immediately cracked his knuckles.
"Alright, who pissed you off?. " He growled..

Teny pointed at Deidara.. She grinned as Kiba's eyes turned into silts..

Unexpectedly, He walked up to the Deidara an patted him on the shoulder.

"Good job man. No one can piss her off like that. " He laughed.

"Kiba!." Teny yelled, jumping on her brother and sending both of them to the ground.
Deidara snickered in the background..

"Why did you turn on me you overgrown mutt of a brother.". She growled

Now it was Deidara who stopped laughing immediately..
"she's...she's..your sister!. " He yelped.

Teny gave him a dry look.

"well duh. " she said.

" Oh god, you too are related?!. " Deidara exclaimed...

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter... Lol I have it all written down just need to type it I'll have a next chappy by tomorrow. Pls comment an vote... Oh an yes the story is mainly about itasaku but I love the rest if the girls so they will have some fun in here.... Sayonara Minna. 😂😁😀😊😉😝😜😛😘😙😎🙋

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