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I scope the area with the view of my rifle, and find nothing.

'It's wayyyy too quiet....'

I take my bag, and aim my rifle out to the darkness one last time.

I turn my flashlight on, and slowly scan the area one last time.

My flashlight roams over a rustling bush nearby, and I lift my eye from the sniper scope.

The bush continues to shake until something touches me.

I pull my sniper up high, aiming wherever, my adrenaline high.

"Calm the fuck down, Reynolds." Jon chuckles, and I keep the sniper up a bit longer, till I finally take a deep breath and have it back at my side.

"You don't do shit like that, J." I turn around and close the windows behind me, along with the fabrics.

"You can-" "Get yourself killed." He finishes, and I stop. "I won't tell you again as you're getting eaten by walkers and screaming in pain, wanting to re-do whatever it is you did wrong..."

He scoffs and throws himself on the broken bed before him.

"Well, I'm gonna go piss." I told him, going into one of the bedrooms.

I grab my bag, and go to the bathroom.


"You're staying or you're going your own way."

J raises an eyebrow, and flips his finger.

"Fuck you, Carter... I thought you'd actually be someone who stuck by me... You're just like all those other people."

"Well, I'll take that as a no." I leave the bedroom and jog down the stairs, going through the front door.


'The gas station in front of me looks stable... Yet it could be a trap...'

I approach the doors, gun held high and tight, finger near the trigger.

I look in the dusty windows, knocking on the glass.

I push the door open, the dust in the room clear once the sunlight enters.


"Put your gun down or your brains get blown out!" A girl steps out from the shadows, a rifle aimed up, a machete at her side.

"Alright it's down!" I tell her, tossing her my pistol. She catches it once she puts her rifle by her side.

"What do you want?" She asks, one arm on the handle of her machete.

"A place to stay." I tell her calmly, and stand still for her approval.

She stares at me with a stern look; "you pull anything I swear your body parts will be scattered all over this room."

I smile, and she raises an eyebrow. "Did I tell you a joke?" She grips the handle of her machete.

I put both my hands up in front of me, smiling even harder than before, laughing at the situation.

"What's so funny?" She asks me, pulling her machete out slowly.

"Nothing..." I tell her breathlessly, "it's just that, I'm happy I've finally found someone I can deal with like I did with my family."

• Havana • MagCon Apocalypse (Trilogy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin