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Hours Later;

We decided to stay in the business building we saw, parking the car close to the building yet not in plain sight.

"It's nearby, here's a card with the info." I passed the card to Cameron, and Mystery looked over his shoulder.

"Not so far from here... Couple miles, is all." Mystery says and Cameron slowly nods.

"We'll go there in the morning, it's extremely dark and we need to sleep." Mystery told us, and I yawned.

We went to a waiting room where we gathered together on three couches. 

I put my bag on top of my couch, and looked out the window. I bring the shades down, allowing the room to darken.

"Who's going to take watch?" I ask, sitting down. "I'll do it." Mystery said, cocking her gun. "You sure you don't want to sleep? I could fill in let you rest first..." I tell her, and she shakes her head. "You go on to sleep, I'll wake you up when I'm tired."

I nod, moving my bag down to the floor, getting myself comfortable on the small leather couch.

I turn to face the other side of the room - opposite of the window and wall. A snoring Cameron and an alert Mystery who was sitting on the table in front of me, focusing on both hallways to the left and right of her.

"Hey Mystery..." I call out in a loud whisper, and she looked around, looking at me with a confused look. "Mystery?" She chuckles with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah... What do you expect me to call you if we don't know you're name?..." I deadpan. "My name is Dynasty."

"Dynasty. That's a sick ass name." I smirk, and she rolls her eyes. "I told people my name was Danielle so no one thought my name was weird." She chuckles, and I furrow my eyebrows. "That's a beautiful name, why did you do that?..."

"I was young, I didn't think people would like it- Like whose heard of the name Dynasty?" Before I could speak, she ended her point : "I'm perfectly fine with it now, don't worry."

"Then why didn't you tell us your name?" I ask.

"No point in telling people your name if they're gonna be gone the next day."

Hours Before, Time Of Their Arrival;

We finally reached the gates, and the cramp was just beginning to fade away, just like the sun.

"State your business." A guy states from the top, a rifle pointed at us.

"Honestly tell us why do you think we're here." I ask, completely irritated due to the pain in my side.

"No arrivals ever treat me with respect, like be glad I'm letting you in!" I hear the guy say to himself, and the gates begin to open.

"Bring Agustin and the guys!" He calls out, and Nash and I walk in, another guy closing the gates behind us.

I see a man running towards us, along with others behind him, and I squint to get a good look at them.

Once they come closer, only two feet away, something clicks and my eyes widen, my hands covering my mouth. He begins to sob hysterically, smiling as he opens his arms up.

I uncover them, my eyes getting glossy as I smile widely. "HAYES!"

I jump onto him and we both hug each other tightly, crying into my shoulder as I run my hands through his hair.

"You're really real..." I pull away and put both my hands on his face, seeing those eyes and a smile I begged to see.

That feeling inside felt surreal... It felt weird to have since it's been a while I felt like this. Yet. I could officially smile whenever knowing Hayes is back at my side.

He smiles happily, finally kissing me.

Once we pull away, a smile appears on his face as he stares at me with admiration. "I got my baby girl back..."

I smile, caressing his surprisingly soft cheeks, pecking his lips one last time before letting him put me down.

My eyes well back up in tears as I embrace Ethan, Grayson, and Taylor in a tight group hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" I smile happily, tears falling down my face.

"We missed you too, Ems." Grayson says, and I smile as I hug him tighter.

"Who else is here?" I ask, and they all let go. "Follow us and you'll see."

Nash and I follow them down the roads, passed the house, but Hayes has his arm wrapped around my shoulder, holding onto my left hand with his other one.

We approach a blue and white house, going up the steps as people around stare at us.

Grayson knocks a couple of times, opening the door.

We step in, my eyes widen. This house is surprisingly tidy with the guys living here by themselves...

The room to our right - the living room - two little girls, a guy and a girl sit.

They all gasp and get up towards us, once I finally realize, I immediately hug Shawn once he comes towards me, smiling widely as I embrace him.

"How do you still smell good?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. He shrugs, with his eyes teary and a wide smile.

"Bree!" I hug her tightly, kissing her cheek. She smiles at me, caressing and pinching my cheeks.

I turn around, seeing Sky in Nash's arms, picking Kaden up as I hug her tightly.

I hug Nash with Sky and Kaden, as I smile widely as my tears roll down my cheeks.


I'm Sorry I Took So Long 😭💍
I Had Been Busy These Past Couple Of Weeks 🙄 Hope You Guys Aren't Mad That I Took So Long... *Didn't Edit Cause The Day Of The Update Is The Day I Came Back From Black Friday Shopping 😭 Just Tell Me If There's Anything I Need To Fix Later

Hope You Guys Like This Reunion ❤️ I Definitely Did

Oh My Fuck, The Past Couple Of Sundays' Episode : 😭❤️🤕

I Felt So Bad For Daryl 😭 CARL & ENID 😭😭 MAGGIE 😭😭😭
Oh My God... Absolutely Shook.

Vote. Comment. Read On :)

• Havana • MagCon Apocalypse (Trilogy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz