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"Move on ahead, bastard!" I yelled, and the men quickly walked forward.

"Why didn't you guys get the guns back?" I asked them, and they all looked at each other nervously, wondering which one of them would speak up.

"Some things happened..." Ryan said nervously, and I raised an eyebrow.

Ryan: Tall man; middle-aged, bright light brown eyes, pale/light skin, dark brown hair.

"Well, they raised their guns at us." Arnold paused. "And - I swear - this guy, stepped up, and pointed Harold's gun, right to his head... Guy pulled the trigger, no bullet. They knew some how Grier."

Arnold: Average height; Dark brown/ black hair, black eyes, tan skin, (around Nash's age).

Harold: Tall; dirty blonde hair, light/pale skin, hazel eyes, (around Nash's age).

I chewed on my lip, and huffed angrily.

"Give your rifle, Arnold." I said, still facing the endless lines of green. I felt the cold heavy metal in my hand, and took some bullets from my pocket.

I loaded it, and slung it over my shoulder. I looked over at the men, and saw them look, relieved... Less tense.

'They thought, I was going to shoot them... Wow.'

"Farewell, my men." I paused and looked at the rest of the miniature crowd. "My women." I smiled, and they smiled back. "Future children." I smiled a genuine smile towards Marco, and her nearly full belly.

"I wish you all well." I paused, and saw all their faces. "I must go. I'm not leaving you guys behind to fend for yourselves. Cause with the tough love I've given you all; you've toughen yourselves up. I have a mission to complete... One I've been doing for years now. And I'll never stop. You guys shouldn't either. Keep going without me."

I leave the crowd, hugging some of the people before finally going up to my complex, and taking my bag with me.

I slip on my sweater as I leave my group, waving farewell as I went back on my mission.

'I need to find my family.'


"Taylor, find anything?" I asked, walking towards him as I held a Polaroid pic tightly in my fingers.

"No! We need to start searching somewhere else! This-" I pinched him hard, and he winced, causing him to stop.

"Look, Hayes and Emely." I told him, and showed him the picture.

It was an old picture; back from when we were in Ariana's house.... She must've been here!

"She had to be here; and she wouldn't drop these. That's the last thing she would do... Someone ambushed her. She was attacked..." Taylor began making a ton of predictions, as I continued to look around for more clues.

I found the photograph near the couch, and the place sure had been wrecked... Yet, Taylor was too busy rambling on to himself to notice.

• Havana • MagCon Apocalypse (Trilogy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя