You are my Shining Star (A)

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile on the other side manik was getting restless as nandini had not returned. He asked Abhi to call chachi and ask about their whereabouts but to his dismay her phone was switched off. Now even Abhi was getting tensed so they informed everyone in the house who now had that same worried and tensed expression on their faces. They called the police and also themselves moved out with nandini's photo searching for her.


I was getting restless as nandini had not returned yet so I asked Abhi to call chachi but her phone was off. We informed the others about it and they were equally worried. We called the police and began searching for her even ourselves .
We all decided to get divided into groups of two to find her. Me and Abhi grouped together. We searched almost everywhere and reached a deserted street. Don't know why but I had this weird feeling that I will find nandini here. I insisted on searching there. Abhi was a bit hesitant first but then he eventually gave in. We started walking along the lonely street, there was not even a single trace of any living being that could possibly be present there. We had almost lost hope when Abhi suddenly spotted out a small cottage like thing which was lit by a lamp. We decided to go there. As we started advancing towards it , we could here some cries. It seemed as if some one was calling for help. We approached near and realised it was our nandu. I being the impulsive one was in a rush to attack that bastard who was trying to mess up with my star when Abhi being the sensible one that he is stoprd me and told me that we should go inside only after informing the police about our location just to avoid any danger or trouble. We informed the police and decided to first see through the window of what was going on inside. We peeped in and I could telll you that whatever I saw was enough to boil my blood. That bloody dimwit was forcing himself on nandu and misbehaving with her! Like what the hell! How dare he even touch her, I'm surely gonna chop him into bits and make him crave for his death. I swear I'm not going to spare him by any damn means and that's final for sure!
Without thinking twice, I barged into the house with a loud bang. Nandu shot her head up and looked towards me with her red puffy eyes, tears constantly flowing through them. I could not control myself now. "Manik..." She called my name helplessly, fear engulfed in her voice that I could make out. I without any warrning began beating that person black and blue while Abhi on the other side started untying the ropes with which nandini was tied. My rage was growing by every minute and my blood boiled even more when nandu's such worst condition came I'm front of my eyes. I was blinded with anger by now. Abhi tried to stop me as I was near to killing that sick jerk then there, I was all ready to dig his grave.

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