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The names Bethany scratch. But you can call me scratch. Only my friends and family can call me beth or anything else other than scratch for that matter, and you are not either one of those.

I'm in 'the bad crowd' or if we're still talking about names we call ourselves the midnight gang. In the midnight gang their are lots of us.
Ajax -
Grimm-boy-ghosts twin
Emily-girl-dash's girlfriend
Freckles-boy-James boyfriend
Alex-girl-Jacobs girlfriend
Brandon-boy-Alex's brother
Jacob-boy-Alex's boyfriend
Savannah-girl- Brandon's girlfriend
Cruz-boy-Lizzy boyfriend
Lizzy-girl-Cruz's girlfriend
Dash-boy-Emily's boyfriend
James-girl-freckles girlfriend
See what I mean. A lot. But that's not the point.
We're all around the same age group considering we all go to parkington high. The shitiest highschool in the history of highschools and that's saying something considering all highschools are shity.
Now you'll notice this story is in past tense because it has already happened. At the end I'll update and show you guys what is currently happening with us and the court because we've got to get caught at some point right?
Keep reading after the beep.

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