Chapter 28

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I teleport over to my katana that's stuck to the wall. I drag it out and the heads slide off one by one. I wipe my blade on one of the corpses and start walking towards the Dark Sensei.

As I hover over him, he opens his eyes. "I choose the light side." I say and launch my Diamond blade towards his heart. I see him smile and as my katana goes through his chest, I suddenly feel a pain in my chest. I look down and see my other katana, the one I teleported to my room, in side my chest.

I look in his eyes, he's smiling with pride. "We both know there's no healing your heart." "Why did you do it?" "No one declines the dark side. A new one will be born, and the next will fight for the darkness." "I hope... You burn in hell!" I hiss.

My surroundings change and I'm in a castle made out of gold I look around me, outside I see clouds. Am I in heaven? I see Java is approaching me. As she comes closer she starts to transform into a black human shaped shadow with golden details.

I watched in horror as Hayley disappeared in front of my eyes, the sword that was in her chest falls to the ground. I knew that she couldn't heal her heart. I fall to my knees and I let myself cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and look into Tony's tearful eyes.

"She told me... That if.. She... Died..." Tony manage to say between sobs. He takes a deep breath and forced smile. "She wanted you to know, that she love you." I hug Tony and he hugs me back.

2,5 weeks later
I spent most of my days being forced fed by Steve. I didn't want food, I wanted Hayley, I needed her to tell me it was going to be ok. I knew she wasn't dead, I could feel it in my heart.

Her Sensei told me that he couldn't feel a new Chosen. But he couldn't feel her presence in Earth either. Thor had left to ask someone called Heimdall to ask if he could see her. But he came up empty. The worst part: He couldn't see her body either.

Deep down inside of me. I knew. She was somewhere out there. Tony believed it too. Tony wasn't even drinking. Steve sent me and Tony to a grief counseling, both together and separately. But my hope faded with each time I talked to the grief counselor.

Diamond Blade (b.b)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora