Chapter 9

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I close my eyes and think about when I first met Sensei.

"Where am I?" "You're in Japan, Hayley. You're safe." "Why?" "You are the chosen one." "That sounds like some Star Wars crap." "This is in fact very serious. We are the good side of a war. A dark rival is threatening the existence of many people, they want you on their side." "Ok, who am I? Anakin?" "You need to start training." "I want to go home." "You can't go home, the dark warriors believe you're dead, they're looking for the next Chosen." "When can I go home then?" "When your training is done." "How long?" "Possibly ten years." "You know what? I'm gonna do it in less than six, but what's so special with me?" "Have you ever noticed how lonely you are?" "You calling me a loner?" "No, it's because you're too smart for other people, your brother and others with same wisdom, are the only people you connect with." "And you know why?" "You are a Chosen. You are born with a purpose. You have the ability to control things with your mind." "So, it's exactly like Star Wars? I'm a Jedi?"

I couldn't help but laugh over my sassy attitude towards him.

Sensei's POV
"Sensei, the enemy is planning to take the chosen one." "She's right, it does sound like some Star Wars crap." "Why are you laughing over this?" "Send a raven her way, keep it encrypted." "Are we going to get her?" "No, Hayley are a good person, she wouldn't pull an Anakin, she will probably go to Castle with her new friends and her brother." "I don't understand what you mean by Anakin." "Let me write the message, she will understand the urgency."

Next day
Normal POV
I sit silently at the breakfast table, I'm in my own little bubble. Thinking about my training.

"Hey Yoda, are you gonna teach me to use the force or are you going to drink tea all day?" "Patience Hayley." "That green tea is starting to make you turn green, just like Yoda."

I chuckle at my own sass against Sensei. "What's so funny Hales?" "Oh nothing, just some Star Wars humor." "Should we have a marathon?" "Yes!"

"I was just on the roof and a bird came with a message for Hayley." I turn to see Clint walk into the Kitchen. "What bird was it?" "A raven." I rip the note from his hands and open it.

Luke Skywalker
The dark side is rising, you and your friends must disappear. Use the force if necessary. Don't be an Anakin about it. You are the chosen one.
— Yoda

My heart stops and I freeze. "Hales? What's wrong?" I can't bring myself to answer him.
You're the chosen one Hayley.
I turn my hands into fists. I register a hand on my shoulder, I can't leave by myself, I can't leave them here.

"You need to pack your bags, we need to leave, or you all are going to die." I say and rush towards the elevator. I pick up my phone and send Gabriel a message, telling him that I'm leaving New York, and I don't know when I'm coming back. Or if I'm coming back at all.

"Hayley! What the hell is going on?" "I'll explain on our way, but right now... We need to leave, do you trust me on this Tony?" "By the fact that you're this scared, and you never are, I trust you on this." "Well, pack. We're going to Castle." "Where's that exactly?" "Safe."

"Everyone is in the jet right?" "Yes Hales." "Ok, land the jet at the coordinates I gave you, and no stops Tony." "Ok."

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