Chapter 4

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I run as fast as I possibly can, the adrenaline is pumping and my heart is racing. If I don't make it in time, I'll never forgive myself.

"Tony?!" I scream at the top off my lounges. No answer. I keep running till I reach his lab. "NO!" I scream. Tony is laying there dead, a sword in his chest. I run for him, I take out a syringe with adrenaline. His body is cold. I press the needle in his chest and inject him, take out the sword. But he doesn't heal, his heart doesn't start beating. I start CPR but nothing is working.

I start to cry. "This is all my fault, if I hadn't come back, you wouldn't be dead Tony!" I lift his lifeless body up to my chest and rock him back and forth.

"It's all my fault, this is all my fault."

Suddenly the room starts to shake and I hear Tony call my name in the distance

"Hayley! Wake up!" I throw myself up in a sitting position. I'm covered in sweat, my heart is beating so hard and fast my chest hurts, and I'm gasping for air.

"It was just a dream Hales, it was just a dream." Tony says to me and pull me into a hug. "You were dead Tony, and it was all my fault." "That's a load of crap, have you forgotten who I am? If I'm dead, it's most likely my own fault. I'm pretty good at pissing people off." I can't help but laugh at Tony's response.

"I'm not gonna be able to sleep, so I'm gonna have a drink, would you like to join Tony?" "Like I would ever turn down an offer like that."

I pour myself a glass of whiskey and take out a small glass bottle and put a drop of it in my glass. "What the hell is that?" "Snake venom." I answer Tony. He freeze for a second.

"Why the HELL, are you putting snake venom in your drink?" "To build up a tolerance?" Tony just shakes his head. "You know what Hales?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "You, are one tough chick." I down my drink and look at him with an amused smile.

"Can you buy me a car?" "Why can't you borrow one of mine?" "Oh, really Tony? You want me to borrow one of your cars?" "Fair point." He takes a sip of his drink an pour me another one.

"So, what car would you like?" "A Camaro, maybe a Mustang?" "Ok, I'll get you one, I'm gonna add bulletproof glass and what not. In the meantime, I'll rent you a van." "Thank you brother." I answer him with a British accent and raise my glass. "Cheers to us Stark geniuses!" "But I'm smarter, Hales." "Not according to the IQ tests." I say with a smirk.

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