Chapter 19

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I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I yell and open my eyes to see who it is. Bucky comes in and close the door behind him. When he see me his eyes shoot to the roof. "I didn't know you wasn't..." "It's ok, the bubbles covers everything, come sit." He walks over to me with a nervous smile.

"You ok doll?" "Yes, it doesn't hurt after the healing, the whole situation was really embarrassing really." "You managed to kill all of them in no time." "I didn't pay attention and managed to get myself stuck to a tree." I say and close my eyes and roll my shoulders.

I soon feel two hands massaging my shoulders. I look up and see Bucky with a soft smile. He hits a tense muscle and I bite my lip to hold back a scream. He chuckles at my reaction.

"Hey doll, I might need to leave now." "Why?" I say and pout my lip. Bucky leans down to my ear. "Because the bubbles are almost gone." He whispers. I open my eyes and realize that there's just a thin layer covering my naked body.

"Hand me my robe." I say. He holds the robe up and his eyes locked on the roof. I get up and take the robe on me. I lift my foot to step out of the tub but I slip and grab Bucky's arm for support but he falls in the tub with me.

"Sorry." "Don't worry doll, I was planning on taking a shower... Well not with clothes on." He says smirking. He takes his hand under me and get ready to lift me up, but I pull him back and kiss him.

The kiss heathens really quick and we break the kiss when I remove his shirt. I look in his eyes that are now darkened with lust. He starts to caress my sides and kissing me down my neck.

Without warning he lifts me out of the tub and walk over to the bed. "Why?" "It's hard to kiss your body when it's under water." He says and rip off his jeans and boxers and let his erecting spring free. I take of my robe and throw it at the floor and lay down on the bed. He's about to get on the bed when I take up a hand and stop him. "Lock the door." "Good idea."

(A/N—The next chapter is smutty asf, so brace yourselves.)

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