Chapter 24

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I walk to the training grounds and see Sensei, he had told me not to bring any weapons, just my mind. What ever that means.

"What are we doing here if we're not training combat?" "You're gonna keep working on your powers." "But you know we're never gonna get there, we tried for years, only thing I've been able to do is heal myself and hold stuff in the air for mere ten seconds." "You have a new motivation, the man." "But still, I can't control people, deflect stuff coming towards me, and I can't heal others." "You will get there, that's why he's here."

I turn to se Bucky coming towards me with a smile. "You're NOT going to stab him are you?" "No, just give him a cut." And by that Sensei takes out a small knife and cut Bucky's flesh hand.

"And by the way, there's venom on the blade, so you have about 15 minutes." I look angrily at Sensei. I see Bucky fall in the corner of my eye. "If he dies." "I know you can do this."

I walk over to Bucky and sit down beside him. He's already starting to look pale, his breathing is uneven, heart is raising and he's sweating. I take my hand on his cut and close my eyes.

After what feels like forever I feel his skin move underneath my palm. I removed my hand from his cut and it's all gone. "I-I did it!" "Hey doll, maybe I should be a target." "No way!" "Think about it, if you can stop this, you can probably stop things coming towards me." I sigh. I know he's right, but if he gets hurt, or dies... I won't be able to live with myself.

"Ok, we're going to start with a bean bag gun. It's not deadly, but it hurts." I look at Bucky with worried eyes, but he gives me a reassuring smile. "Ok, I'm ready."

The first bag flies towards Bucky and I can't get a grip on it and it hits him in the stomach. He tries to pretend it didn't hurt, but I can't hear him gasp for air discreetly. I can see he's in pain.

The next one I'm able to slow down before it hits him. And the next I stop right before his face. He open his eyes and turn to me with wide eyes. The next bag comes flying before I was ready and I deflect it and throw it back at the man shooting the bean bags. He falls back. I hear clapping behind me and see Sensei with a proud smile.

The next few hours we tried with different kind of weapons. When they pulled out a gun, I started to panic. But took a deep breath. Focus on him, your rock. I stop a rain of bullets. Then. I a bullet flies directly towards me head. I just want it to disappear. And right before it hit my head, it disappeared.

"Hayley, you just teleported the bullet away from you." "I did what now?" "We will try working on teleportation of objects and yourself tomorrow, now you need rest." I just nod. I just now realized how exhausted I was.

Bucky cuddles up to me, I feel safe in his arms. A safety I know I can't keep forever. A safety I will be robbed of. I know that I can't love this man, I put him in danger, and I give the dark side, some leverage. Leave him, or stay with him. Sadness or happiness. I think of one word before I fall asleep.


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