Chapter 2.

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Tony looks at me angrily after I decided to drift my way into the parking lot instead of parallel parking. I give him a smile. "You're Iron Man, speed shouldn't be an issue!" He just huffs. And gets out of the car. I get out and I stand and look at the car. The yellow vintage Lamborghini Miura was beautiful.

"Are you gonna buy it dinner or are you taking it right to the bedroom?" Tony asks with a grin. I punch him lightly in the shoulder and we go inside the restaurant.

"So, I'm just gonna bring out the big elephant in the room Hales... Why didn't you come back right away?" I sigh and look down at my food. You were gonna have to talk about it sooner or later.

I look up at him with blank eyes, fighting back the tears. Tony takes my hand, reassuring me that it's going to be ok. "I-I... If I came back, they wouldn't come after me, they would come for you Tony, and EVERYONE, I knew, you knew... It's a part of the code, and I swore an oath... And I couldn't contact you. I'm sorry Tony." At this I start to cry silently.

Tony gets up and and goes around the table and hugs me. "It's ok Hales, I'm just glad that you're here, home. You have no idea how much I've missed you." He says silently, holding back his tears.

After we've both eaten our meals, he decide that we should walk. Tony tells me about New York battle and the wormhole, that he accidentally helped create Ultron, and a lot of other stuff.

When we get back at the tower there's people yelling in the living room. Tony walks to the living room to see the blonde man with the hammer fight a buff green guy.

"Where is Natasha?" Tony asks. "She's on a mission with Barton, they won't be back until tomorrow!" Steve yells from across the room. I nudge Tony in the arm to get his attention. "Who's the green guy?" "Hulk, well it's actually Banner, but like... I don't have time for an explanation right now, I need to find out a way to get him back to normal." "I can help." "Really? How can you possibly help?" He say with closed eyes. "Hales! Come back here! He's dangerous!" "Tony, I'm dangerous too." I say with a laughing tone

I walk up to the Hulk-man-thing and he looks at me with angry eyes. He starts to run towards me. I make my hands into fists but keep my middle and index fingers out. When he's close enough I hit his pressure points in his chest, he turns in pain and I hit all the major nerves in his back. I then jump in his back and launch my fingers in his neck, and he falls forward and hit the ground with a big thud.

"Ok, I knew you were a ninja, but what the hell was that Hales?" I turn to see Tony in shock. I'm about to answer him when I Steve starts to speak. "Y-You barely touched him? How?"

"It's ancient Chinese Taoists knowledge, it's called Chi blocking." "Chi what now?" Tony asks. I just roll my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder and pet him. "I'll explain when you're older." When I said this, I heard Steve chuckle like a little kid.

*Time skip brought to you by Clint, who's always in the vent, in every fanfic*

"Hales, come join us and watch some TV with us!" "Tony, I don't really feel like..." "...You're going to, you're gonna hang out with my friends and get to know them." "Why do they live here anyways?" "Because when the world needs the Avengers, we gotta be ready." "I'll come, but if there's as much as ONE reality show, I'm out."

(A/N— I got the chi-blocking idea from Avatar, so if you've watched that, you'll understand. It's kinda like acupuncture, but violent-ish.)

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