Chapter 14

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"How do they even keep the grass so clean from unwanted weed?" "There are people with certain skills here, there's a woman who can make everything grow, and everything disappear." "Well, I was expecting an answer like science, but not that." "You live in a tower with superheroes, and you find it unexpected that a woman can make things grow?" I answer him laughingly, he start laughing as well.

"What's over there?" "It's the Coy pond, do you want to see it?" "Sure." I take Bucky's hand and rush him towards the pond. Bucky looks at it in awe.

The little pond is right under a blossoming Lotus tree, with beautiful pink flowers. "This is one of my favorite places in the world." I say as I sit down at a stone bench. "I can understand why." He says while he sits down beside me.

"Hayley, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong." "I can see right through you doll, I know that something is bothering you." He takes his arm on my back and stroke it up and down and I sigh and look down on my shoes.

"It's just that... I'm scared. I don't want to loose anyone. I didn't ask for it. The universe just decided for me. I just want to go back being Hayley Chloe Stark, the girl nobody cared about. I had Tony, I didn't have anyone else, it was simple. I just want to be normal."

Bucky places a finger under my chin and lift my head so he can look me in the eyes. I have tears running down my cheeks, and he takes his thumb and wipes them away. "Hayley, I have never in my life met a girl as brave as you. You're kind to people, even people like me. You have a great sense of humor and you actually manage to make Tony shut up." "Thanks, but I'm not. It's an act. I'm a coward." "I saw right through that tough act when I first met you. Your eyes showed pain." He says while looking deep into my eyes. He leans forward and kiss me.

The kiss feels more passionate than it did this morning. I take my hand around his neck to come closer and I moan when he grabs my waist. I surrender to his tongue and his hands is caressing my sides. We break the kiss when we hear the bells chime.

"What does that mean?" "They've spotted the jet, common Bucky! To the stables!" I say and lift my hand up and point out my index finger. He chuckles at my weird salute.

We get on our horses and start riding towards the big field, where the jet is about to land.

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