Chapter 23

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"So Darth Vader is Luke's father?" "Yes Steve! How many times do I have to tell you, before you understand?" "You don't have to be mean about it Tony!" I can't help but laugh at them both, and the others join in.

"Steve, even I understand!" "Bucky, you're not helping." "Take it easy pal!"

After all the movies and A LOT of explaining to Steve how things work, everyone goes to bed.

I twist and turn in my bed, I hesitate at first but go towards the carpet on the wall and pull it aside and I see Bucky. "I see you had the same idea doll."

After round two, Bucky's back looks worse. "Ok, first it looked like you had been attacked by a cat, but now... It looks like Java tried to eat you." Bucky just laugh at my comment and cuddles up to me. And we fall asleep.

I wake up by someone licking my face. "Stop it Bucky." "It isn't me doll, too early." He mumbles into my hair. I open my eyes. "Java!" I take on my robe and get out of bed.

"Come back to bed doll." "Bucky wake up, Java is here!" He opens his eyes. Then he jumps up with wide and scared eyes. "Oh my god." "Relax, right now you smell like me, she'll never attack you." "How did she get here?" "Sensei sent someone to bring her here."

Me and Bucky gets dressed. I put on the dress with the gold belt and the diamond jewelry, I go to my bag and fish out a diamond collar and put it around Java as I'm wearing a matching necklace.. "She-she's wearing diamonds?" "Yes?" "You say that like it's supposed to be normal." "Do want a leash too?" "Kinky are we?" "Nope, I didn't bring a spare. Come let's shock the life out of Tony."

When walk through the halls we hear the others at the breakfast table. We walk in to the dining hall and everyone stops talking and looks at me, well Java.

"Hales? Why is there a Tiger beside you?" "This is my cat." "But... That's why you made me promise? Because I didn't let you explain?" "Yep." I say as I walk towards the table.

Java circles the table to take in everyone's scent and stop with Clint. He at me looks nervous. "She likes you Clint." How do you know she doesn't want to eat me?" "Because if she wanted that, you would be dead already." He nods and carefully takes his hand to Java's head and pet her. Java starts to walk again and lay down at my feet.

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