Chapter 7

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I grab the package from him and enter the elevator. I look at the seal and recognize it. As I'm opening the letter the elevator opens and the others walk in. I don't pay much attention to them as I start to read.

I heard you were in New York and I am glad to see you reunited with your brother. I am doing as you promised and are bringing your cat Java, back to you. I also bought you a little gift, as a thank you for saving my life. I know I have given you many gifts, but I thought of you when I saw it, hope you like it. I'll be in New York in 3 days. Let me know when you can meet me.

-Gabriel, Prince of Dubai.

I start to laugh and Tony takes the letter and the package and reads it. He looks at me in shock. He then opens the package to reveal a jewelry box. He opens it and his jaw drops.

I take the box from him and look for myself. Damn, that's some huge stones.

"Ok, what the hell are you so shocked about Tony?" Steve asks. "Hales, Prince of Dubai, necklace." That's the only words Tony manage to get out.

"What Tony means to say, is that my friend Gabriel, who just happens to be the prince of Dubai, is coming to New York, he's bringing my cat, and as a thank you for saving his life, he bought me this." I say and take out the necklace.

Only person that doesn't seem shocked is Bucky, so I move closer to him and hand him the necklace and turn to hint for him to take it on me. He reach his metal hand around my neck pull my hair to the side and takes his hand under my hair and take the other end of the necklace. His breath on my neck makes me shiver. He attach the two ends and takes his hand on my waist, and turn me. "Almost as impressive as your blades, doll." Bucky says and smirks. "James, your hand is still on my waist, and if a few seconds Tony is gonna notice, and he's very protective." Bucky removes his hand before I could blink.

"Hales, can you decide a little faster? We're all really hungry" Tony says with an annoyed tone "Fine, I'll have 2 burgers, 4 fries and a chocolate mint shake." I say and look up at the waiter, he just nods and take my menu.

"Hales, did you just order junk food on the most exclusive restaurant in town?" "Yes I did Tony. Because I can." "You know, maybe Barnes should be your babysitter, since you keep ordering from the kids' menu." "You know what Tony?" "No, please enlighten me." "You're an ass." "Ouch, right in the feels." Tony says and chuckle. I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Slow down doll, nobody's gonna take ya food away." Bucky says in a teasing tone. "Shut it Buchanan." I say smirking. "Did she just call you Buchanan?" "Yes Steve, yes she did. That dame is breaking my heart." I roll my eyes at the two super soldiers teasing me.

"You two should watch your behavior, or I'll send my big brother after you." "Sorry Hales, I have a code." "And what's that code Tony?" "I don't fight against senior citizens." Tony's comment made me almost choke on my burger and I start coughing. Bucky pats my back. When I'm done coughing, he brush his hands up and down my back. "You done with the comedy show doll?" He ask me, I nod and take a huge sip of my milkshake.

"Tony... Can I have my cat in the penthouse, I don't want to send it to the z..." "Yes, it's ok." "Are you sure because it's not a regular cat." "You're not a regular person." "I'm being serious, if I can't have her there I can..." "No, Hales. You can have your cat there, no matter how your cat looks like, you're having it at the penthouse!" "Ok, but you're not allowed to change your mind, promise?" "Promise."

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