"This is footage from before that"


Luna walked again alongside the windows.

"All these people...you killed them?"

Kylo looked down.

"It was General Hux's order, not mine."

"But you let it happen?"

Kylo said nothing.

Luna didn't want to talk about it, but her peaceful and caring mindset could not comprehend this monstrosity. Even though she was part of the First Order, she didn't always agree with what they did. And she knew that this action didn't define Kylo. There was so much depth in him and she was only just beginning to figure him out.

"Can you show me others?"

Kylo obliged and proceeded to show Luna various planets and moons. He showed the forests of Endor, the icy sheets of Hoth and the endless desert of sand on both Tattooine and Jakku, the neon botany of Felucia. Luna was mesmerised by each one; her eyes twinkling in admiration. Kylo settled on a world he did not know, but it was day time and the windows displayed a view of an empty field and the ceiling showed a beautiful blue sky decorated with the patterns and swirls of clouds. Luna looked up.

"Wow" she whispered.

She moved to the middle of the room and surprised Kylo by moving down on the floor and lying down, looking up at the sky. Luna moved her head to look at Kylo and then moved her arm to gently pat the space next to her with her hand. Kylo smiled and moved to lie next to her.

They lay there together, looking at the stars. They momentarily forgot that they were on a First Order cruiser and focused on the swirling ice crystals. They were so close to each other, Kylo could see the rise and fall of Luna's chest, her skin glowed in the lighting. Luna could hear Kylo's steady breaths. A creature flew across the sky above them and Luna reached out to grasp Kylo's hand that was resting on his stomach and pointed at the stars.

"Do you see that?!" She was grinning.

"Yes" Kylo said softly and gazed into her eyes, he was infatuated with her.

She smiled largely at him before looking back up at the clouds, her hand still holding his.

Before Kylo could stop himself, he moved his head closer to hers and pressed his lips to her cheek, lingering there for a moment before pulling away.

Luna was not startled nor was she surprised when the warmth of Kylo's lips touched her cheek as the action felt so normal, so genuine. She only turned her head to look at him when he had moved back.

They looked into each other's eyes for a moment, before Luna moved her hand to cup his cheek and moved closer and pressed her lips to his.

Their kiss was delicate, they were both unsure of this moment that unfolding between them.

Kylo did not move his lips for a second before he moved to deepen the kiss as he held her face in his hands. Luna's lips were soft like her hands and Kylo wanted more but he felt like if he moved anymore he would break her. She was porcelain in his hands.

Luna's lips were on fire as the kiss lasted. Kylo's lips tasted of something she could not describe, she could only call it 'him' - they just tasted like him. Intoxicating but so fragile. A dangerous combination that Luna could not get enough of.

One thing they both felt however, was warmth. Warmth flowed through them as the kiss went on. A warmth neither of them wanted to stop feeling.

Luna stroked the light stubble that was beginning to appear on his cheeks with her thumb and her and Kylo moved subconsciously closer.

After what felt like years, they slowly detached themselves from each other. They still held each others faces in their hands. Kylo lightly grasped her hand that was holding his hand before placing his thumb in her palm and her fingers instinctually curled around him. He placed a gentle kiss on her fingers before letting her go. Luna gave a soft smile and Kylo returned it before sitting up and looking back at her.

"It's getting late, we should be getting you back."

Luna nodded and sat up. Kylo stood up and helped her up, bringing her to her feet and in front of him. Their proxemics made Kylo bend down to join their lips again. Their hands remained intertwined between them as they kissed for the second time in a matter of minutes. Luna pulled away and gave a cheeky grin and Kylo laughed.

"Sorry." Kylo mumbled.

"Don't be"

Kylo smiled and stroked her cheek tenderly before he held her hand and led her out of the room and back to her quarters.

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