Don't blame yourself (pt 1)

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You put your shirt back on after the nurse finished re-bandaging up your wound on your stomach. Being impaled to a wall with a very sharp lance wasn't exactly your idea of fun but, it went ahead and happened anyway. Noctis was the only other person with you at the time you were made into a human kebab but he had his hands full and just before he got
tasered and then he badly burnt his arm. It just didn't really work out for either of you to be honest.

It'd been two days since the incident and you were just starting to be able to walk a little by yourself again. Why couldn't I have got stabbed in the leg or something so that I could actually do anything without it hurting?! You thought to yourself as you stared out of the window. Noctis hadn't been to see you since it went down. You suspected that he felt like it was his fault for the condition you were in so, he felt ashamed to show his face around you.

You sighed loudly and then heard a knock on omit from your door and you couldn't help but get your hopes up a little, hoping that it was your awkward parter. "Come in!" The person responded by opening the door and to your surprise a familiar blonde/light brown haired man walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Iggy!" He was always reassuring to see. He was kind of like a father or older brother figure to you in life.

"Good more (y/n), how are you feeling?" You patted the space next to you on your bed and he sat down pushing his glasses up.

"Yeah..." You looked at him and then looked down at your clothed stomach and gently placed a hand on the bandages. "I could probably be better hah- ouch. Remind me not to laugh... But! I'm not dead! Yet."

"Yet? Really? I think it's safe to say that you'll survive."


You both sat in silence but both you and him knew what you wanted to know, you just couldn't find the words.

"H-how is he?..." You said in a concerned but guilty sounding tone.

"Not great. His arm is causing him some pain and the burn will probably leave a scar and his head is a mess."

"He's blaming himself isn't he..."


Jesus that was blunt.

"But, so are you (y/n). It's neither of your faults that the other person has gotten injured and I'm sure you're both feeling like this because, at the end of the day, you're a couple."

You once again returned to silence. You head was drooped down and your hair covered your face. All that could be heard was the faint footsteps of people walking around, getting on with their daily business in the palace and the faint tweeting of birds and car engines from outer the slightly cracked open window. You took a deep breath and brought your head up.



"If it's not too much trouble, and it'll probably take ages, could-could you take me to Noct's room?"

He looked a bit stunned at your request and thought about it for a few seconds, "it'll cause you a lot of pain to walk that far or even for me to carry you."

"I'd rather endure the physical pain for a little bit than have to go through the mental pain until the physical pain stops."

You looked him dead in the eye and your face was determined now. You eyes were glinting and filled with confidence, there was only a slight hint of anxiety within them. "Please Ignis."

He once again pondered on your request but this time a long sigh escaped his lips and he stood up. "Fine." Was the only word he responded with but you immediately brightened up slightly. He stood in front of you and held out his hands to help you stand. You shakily grabbed his hands and he allowed you to transfer your body weight into him to stop you from having to use your stomach muscles as much as you would have done.

"This is gonna be worse than I thought isn't it."You began to realise just how much the wound could hurt and you gripped onto Ignis' jacket's sleeve, clenching your teeth together. You forced the tears back down as you were determined not to cry. Yet.

The intelligent man holding you up could obviously feel the amount of pain you were in as he quickly changed his mind and lowered you back down in the bed helping you lay down in the process. "I'll be ok again in a minute or two. I have to talk to Noctis..." You layer there and looked at Ignis. Your eyes were desperate now.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and you watched him tap away. "Hey, what're you doing?"

No response.


Again silence.

"Ignis? What are you doing?"

He just continued to ignore your questions until he had finished what he was doing, put his phone away and then proceeded to turn and look out of the window. You laid there with your mouth hanging open at the fact that you just got ignored three times in a row and then got completely denied. You both just existed in your room for a moment until the odd silence was broken by a knock at your door.

"Damn I'm popular today." You said and Ignis walked over to the door, opened it, reached out grabbing whoever it was by their jacket and pulled them through the door before saying, "resolve it" and walking out the door shutting it behind him.

You just laid there for a second before eyeing up the ravenette that was just thrown into your room. His eyes were cast down and his right arm bandaged. You slowly sat up 

"Noct, you're here."
                  To be continued

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