De Ja Vu

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The next morning, Beth was awakening from a deep slumber on the edge of her bed. It was the first time in months she'd actually gotten a peaceful night sleep without any nightmares. She opened her eyes to see Tyler looking at her intensely from the doorway.

"Whaaaaaat?" Beth moaned, covering her face with a pillow.

"Wake up, we're having a party." Tyler decided. "My dad and your mom will be at work until atleast 12 tomorrow, so that's plenty of time."

"It's too early!" Beth whined from under her sheets.

Her new-step brother pulled the covers off of her. "It's almost four Beth, hurry up."

He left the room. She heard some shuffling down stairs, and probably some moving of furniture. She rolled out of bed and tried to recall what he had told her. A party? She didn't really party anymore, not since she'd had so much trouble with alcohol. He had probably heard about that crazy party at the beginning of the school year last year, and was expecting the same thing this time around since summer was halfway over. She fumbled out of bed, made herself look halfway decent and trotted down the stairs. Her livingroom had been transformed into a dancefloor, all of the furniture was now stacked in the diningroom from wall to wall, and someone's speaker system was set up where the television used to be. An aboundance of teenage boys were already moving things in and out of the house to prepare for the party that Tyler was planning on throwing later that evening.

"What the hell, Tyler?" Beth complained fromt he bottom of the stairwell.

"Listen, you can either help throw the biggest party of the year and get all of the attention and credit for it, or you can shutup and move out of the way," he was obviously determined to party, and Beth wasn't going to get in the way. Atleast it'd be some entertainment for the evening.

Her phone vibrated once, then twice. Two text messages, one from Ben, the other from Eric. They'd probably noticed the noise and the amount of vehicles entering and leaving her driveway.

" Throwing a kegger like last year? You remember where that got you? hung over and falling for a hunky history teacher. don't make the same mistake twice. xo eric "

She litterally laughed outloud at Eric's text. He was so conceided. She read Ben's.

"Throwing a party and didn't invite ur favorite history teacher? I mean, second favorite? SHAME ON YOU!!! ps- sooo not buying you alcohol anymore"

She laughed even louder at that one. Her boys were crazy. But she really loved them, and their lame sense of humor. She texted them both the same message.

" tyler's throwing a party. not getting in the way of his stupidity, need some entertainment for the night anyways. and it's NOT going to be dejavu like last yr, ive grown since then, not trying to meet anymore history teachers ;) i'm done!!!!! "

As the summer sun desended into the deep blue sky, fifty or so teenagers occupied Beth's family pool. Keggs were scattered around the property, and even more teenagers cluttered the livingroom of Beth's home. She stood in front of her new step-father's liquor cabinet, stuck on which drinks she should prepare for her classmates, but not for herself. She had decided to quit drinking all together, since it only led to tragity and problems. She smiled at Valery, who was just sitting at the bar, aching for Tyler's attention. She decided that having a 'bestfriend' to tell all of her secrets to wasn't worth the pain she could cause by telling them what she knew. She began lining the drinks up at the bar, where teens grabbed them and downed them faster than she could make them.

If someone asked her a year ago where she'd be this day, Beth never thought in a million years she'd be Tyler Evan's step-brother, Eric Inman's girlfriend, or an alcohol-free teenage girl at a party who's only purpose is to drink. But the funny thing was, in a way, this was pretty much exactly where she was a year ago. She was helping her friends out, just trying to live it up. The only problem was, that just like then, now, life still had a mind and heart that functioned on its own, and it always had to get in the way, and destiny always had other plans for her.


Hi Guys! How is everyone? Sooo, i've decided between yesterday and today that chapter fifty was the last chapter of TLATS. But don't freak out on me yet! I have a solution to my issues with this story and to your cravings of more. How about a sequel? YESH. I said it, a sequel. I'll give you guys a few Hours to wrap your head around that idea. Message me me your opinion. You can even post it as a Comment if you're like me, and too lazy to do otherwise. ;)

Thanks for all of your support! If people like the idea of a second forbidden romance between Inman and Beth, I'll post a preview to the new story on here later! Thanks again for all of your looooove, and don't forget to give me your opinions!

Have a great evening/day/morning/middle of the night, whenever you're reading this. ;)

-Saff xxx

Story Of Her Life.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang