Is This A Joke?

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Beth began to get freaked out, so she ran home as fast as she could. Her chest ached, but she didn't care. Someone was watching her, and she didn't like it. When she made it to her front door, she slammed it closed and leaned against it, gasping for air.

"Beth?" a voiced ask.

Beth looked up to see Eric and Ben enjoying a beer at the bar in the kitchen, both looking at her suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Ben approached her, and Eric followed.

"I was...out for... a run and I..." she held a finger up indicating that she needed to catch her breath.

She tried again. "I was out for a run and that weird Bethany Miller girl stopped me and asked me to show her where you lived," she looked at Mr. Conklin. "Then she says she's seen you around Er-Mr. Inman, and she'd like to know where you lived. When I told her I wasn't going to show her where Conklin lived, 'cause it was creepy," she looked at Mr. Conklin. "She was like 'want him all for yourself?' so I got pissed and ran off. When I was coming back I had this erie feeling I was being watched, probably by her, and ran home."

"Don't worry about it. That' girls always been creepy, she's like a psycho stalker," Eric replied, leading the group to the kitchen table.

Ben hit Eric over the head. "Don't talk about your students like that bro!" he said playfully. "Gah, haven't I taught you better?"

"Not really." Eric smirked, taking a swig of his beer.

Beth looked between the two.

"So are you two like... best friends now?" she questioned, getting a cola from the fridge for herself.

"Sort of. But don't you tell anyone you hung out with us outside of school, don't want you having anymore crazy stalkers." Ben laughed.

Just then, the door bell rang. It was hit two or three times as if someone were dying to get in. Beth scurried to the door and peaked out the peep hole. Nothing? She opened it, only to find a large, brown envelope sitting on the door step.

"You don't think it's a bomb do you?" she questioned from the door, looking back at two of her teachers sitting at the kitchen table.

"Just get it and come inside, you're letting the cold air in!" Ben sounded like her mother. What a loser.

She opened the tiny package to see three DVDs in clear blue cases, with a note attached to the top of one. She opened the carefully folded lined paper and read it.

"Dear Beth, I found some of your homemovies! Watch them, refresh your memory. Because if you don't give me what I want, they'll be the next new hit at blockbuster! xo"

Beth wanted to laugh at the note. What was this? Some kind of joke? Some kind of mock-A from Pretty Little Liars? Was someone making fun of her, and her supposed 'situation' with Mr. Conklin? She let the guys read the note and she slid the first DVD into the player and hit play.

Something played across the big-screen televison.

She gasped. So did the guys.

Playing out right in front of them were some of the most private moments of Beth's life right now, only, they were all with either Eric, or Ben.

Several seconds of Beth hugging Ben on the first day of school.

Mr. Inman talking to Beth in the hallway about the Michael Miller Insadent.

Several moments of ASD and Lunch detention played out.

The day Beth's car broke down, and Eric offered to help.

Eric and Beth in the teacher's lounge, drying off their soiled clothes.

Eric and Beth during the lockdown, talking and listening to music.

More and more inament moments between Either Eric and her, or Ben and her. The last moment of the very last DVD happend only last night. Eric and Beth could be seen in the tub swimming around, awefully close to eachother.

Beth and Eric eyed eachother, then seached Ben for a reaction to their unintentional outing. Ben returned the stares and grinned.

"I knew you two had something going on," he grinned. His face then grew serious for their stupidity of wanting to date around the circumstances. He then went on to preech about the consequences of what could happen, and how stupid they were, and whatever else that Beth tuned out.

"Okay, seriously Ben, what about this?" Beth inturrupted, indicating the TV screen, frozen on Eric and Beth's kiss.

"Well obviously someone has a sick obssession with us, mainly you two, and they're serious about exposing you if you don't listen to them," Ben explained.

"Someone? Obviously it's Bethany. She followed Beth home and gave her these DVDs to freak her out, or trick her into telling her the info she wants," Eric explained.

"Why would she ask me to do it first if she was just going to blackmail me into it? Besides, she wouldn't have time to stalk me, then go home and get the DVDs and come back in that little time." Beth stated.

"Okay so we don't know who it is. Let's just say that until we can figure it out. Seriously, whoever it is must be really sick in the head. Just wait. We'll all keep a low profile unitl this person writes another note or stalks Beth again. Until then, we need to go home." Ben explained, pointing between Ben and Eric.

"If you need us, scream," Ben joked as he hugged Beth's head.

Eric took his turn and planted a kiss on her forehead.

How could someone she probably didn't even know stalk her like this? She couldn't even believe it. You only saw things like this on TV or in movies, but it was surreal to her when it became a reality. She was terrified of what this person could do.

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