The Truth Always Comes Out.

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When the final release bell rang and students rushed from the building to their rule-free weekend, Beth climbed the stars to return to the classroom she's spent most of her time in since school began.

Inside, Mr. Conklin and Mr. Inman sat in front of the computer screen together watching re-runs of Family Guy.

"Welcome back poddy mouth," Mr. Conklin greeted.

"Let's get this over with," she mumbled.

She chose the seat in the far corner of the room and put her head down.

"you can handle this right Eric?" Mr. Conklin asked putting his jacket on. He's obviously taken advantage of having a student-teacher handy. "The wife's expecting me. We're going hiking!" he leaped on a desk in an effort to make Beth laugh.

Beth remembered going to Mr. Conklin's wedding last year. She never pictured him as the serious person to fall in love and act mature at a wedding. But when she saw him standing there in his suit, Beth and his sister were astonished. They'd never expected the face he wore to be the face he wore. When Beth returned to school, all the girls were jelous she was invited, becasue none of the other students were invited. Beth was because she knew the Conklin family personally.

"We're good here," Inman said kicking his feet up.

"Okay see ya losers. Oh and remember, 5:00." he said and was out.

Mr. Inman paused his show and looked at Beth from the back from his desk.

"Did you get my note?" he asked.

The note. It still remained in the pocket of her skin tight jeans. She got it, but she wasn't about to tell him that, not after the stunt he pulled.

"Do you watch Family Guy?" he egged on. She folded her arms across her chest, still not making eye contact.

"Okay.. s oare you ready for the weekend?" he kept digging. "...Okay, I feel like I'm talking to the wall."

Beth slammed her hands on the desk and approached the white board. In big red letters she sribbled "ASD=NO TALKING, NO WATCHING FAMILY GUY."

She threw the marker down and took her seat.

"Alright. I get your point," he said. he got up from his seat and dragged the chair across the room until it sat directly in front of Beth. "We'll just be here. How's that?"

Ten minutes went by. Then twenty. It reminded Mr. Inman of their very first day together. An hour passed. The two still remained in their positions.

"4:15. You can go if you'd like," he said. She hesitated. Finally, she rose, gathered her things and prepared to leave.

"If you get the chance, read my note!" he called as she left the room.

"Sweet freedom." She couldn't wait to get home and start a boy-free weekend all alone. This day, filled with confusion and emotion was almost over for Beth.

She crawled into her green Bug, put the key into the ignition and turned it. Nothing. She tried again. Same. "Come on baby," she tried to talk it up but she knew the battery was dead. She probably lefte her lights--- yup. Shore enough, the light switch was turned to bright. She turned it to the off position, as if that would help and got out of the car.

She pulled the hood of the car up and looked around inside, as if that would help. She needed someone to jump her off.

She pulled out her cell phone and dialed her Mother. No service. She shrieked a cry of anger and kicked the car tire. "Could this day get any suckier?!" she shoulted to the heavens.

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