Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction

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<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="center"><big><big><span style="font-size: large;">T</span></big></big>he Lockdown began that day around 10:30, and didn't end until 4:45, after school hours. When Beth arrived home with her friends, she found their mothers crying on the living room floor looking at old baby albums and videos from each of the girls' youth. They obviously weren't expecting then to survive a psycho clown hanging in a tree. The teens just laughed at their mothers, gathered snacks and joined them on the livingroom floor.

Even with the embarassing videos of her childhood youth playing on the television screen, her mind kept wondering to Mr. Inman. He definitely wasn't the responsible-teacher-type. He was a rebel, and usually didn't like follow the rules. She kept getting weird mixed siginals from him. She couldn't help but think she was reading too far into things, and maybe that it was all in her head. Maybe he didn't like her like that? It was all too confusing. Especially today when he leaned in a bit too close to her several times. Maybe he just doesn't know the meaning of personal space? Hm. Only time will tell.

Over the next couple of days, flirting took place between the two in class, and during lunch "detention". Beth wished it could go on forever lik ethis, but she knew all good things must come to an end. The only issue was waiting for that inevidable moment.

Mr. Conklin stood at the side of the classroom, leaning nest to the window frame, which happened to be right next to Beth's desk. She tried to pay attention to what Mr. Inman was teaching, but she kept getting distracted by the little doodles on her paper. She zoned in on Mr. Inman's lecture at the perfect time apparently.

"... and that was when the French decided they'd pull out..." he spoke.

Beth snorted. "That's what she said." She announced to herself, only a little too lound. The whole class errupted into laughter, including Mr. Conklin. Only, he then leaned in close to Beth, and motioned her to listen. "She can't talk if her mouth's full." he whispered.

Beth began to laugh. So hard, she could barely breathe. Mr. Inman looked at her with a smirk. She could tell he wanted to laugh too. "You too are sick. Nasty!" he accused. Beth high-fived Mr. Conklin as he continued with his lesson.

Each day, Beth looked forward to History class more and more. The way Mr. Inman taught made her understand the material a lot better, but also the relaxed environment made her want to speak up more in class, even if it was for something like this:

"Number one... Ben Franklin... number two... two thirds... number three..." Mr. Inman reviewed the homework from the previous night. "Number six... Anaconda Plan."

"I've got an anaconda... in my pants." Beth said to Dana.

The whole class burst into laughter. Good one. Mr. Conklin mouthed to her.

When the class settled down, Mr. Inman passed out a quiz. The class was about halfway through with the questions when she heard the familiar piano keys cut through the silence... She shot Mr. Inman a look, he stood next to Mr. Conklin, looking dead at her grinning.

The class looked at the three of them confused.\

♪ "Beth I hear you callin...."

Her jaw litterally dropped. "I can't believe you!" a smile played at her lips. "Mr. Inman. Please. Turn it off."

♪ "Oh Beth what can I do? Oh Beth What can I do?

"Turn it off!" This song really did irritate her. "I'm leaving." She stood up from her desk and simply walked out the door. She stood in the hallway for a few minutes, until she could no longer hear the familiar melody of the infamous Kiss song.

When she reentered, Mr. Inman was looking in her direction, and simply pressed play, and resumed the song from where she last heard it. She gave him a go to hell look and walked back out. She roamed the halls for the duriration of the period, sneaking in random classrooms and such. She felt as if she pushed the limit a bit today, but it was okay. They'd never write her up.

They spent the lunch period laughing and joking about the day, as well as talking about other teachers and their class sizes and course work. Mr. Inman explained to Beth why he became a teacher, and how he has a part time job at a moving company.

"I read in this newspaper ad one time, that there are these movers that will come to your house, pack your things and move them into the truck naked. I was thinking about moving just so I could call in the coupon." she giggled, and took a sip of her apple juice.

"Well, the company I work for doesn't do that... sorry to get your hopes up." she threw a carrot at him.

"How would you even carry anything, you'd be naked, and distracted." he laughed. So did she.

The following Monday, the period was almost over. The class of sstudents chatted among themselves while Mr. Inman and Mr. Conklin worked silently at their desks.

Beth talked with Dana on and off and doodled occassionally on her binder, but her eyes were always drawn back to the front of the room where he sat.

"Beth, pass out these papers," Mr. Inman demanded breaking her train of mostly inappropriate thoughts.

She took the stack of papers, noticing a note attached to one of the stacks. She slipped the note in her pocket. Moving around the room with ease, she showed off how well she knew everyone for her teachers and classmates.

When she reached the last row, she tripped on a bag and sent the last stack of papers flying through the air.

"Fuck!" she cried out.

The room stopped. Unbreakable silence filled the air. Students looked from Mr. Conklin to Mr. Inman, then back again.

"Beth, ASD." Mr. Inman said with a look of dispair.

Her jaw dropped. Did she hear him correctly?

"Seriously?" She questioned.

"Seriously. Todeay after school. you need to watch your language," he confirmed.

"What! You and Conklin cuss all the time! That's retarded," she argued.

"'That's retarded'" Mr. Conklin mocked in a girly voice. "We're teacher's we do what the heck we want!" he hopped on the top of his desk and threw his hands in the air, as if he were trying to get a laugh out of Beth. She knew better. She'd seen some pretty outrageous things being his student for the past three years.

The bell rang and Beth gathered her things and lined up to leave with the rest of her classmates.

"He did say he'd give you ASD next time," a girl commented, refering to the Michael Miller outburst over a moth ago.

"Aye Beth, aren't you forgetting lunch detention?" Inman yelled.

"My lunch detention punishment ended over two weeks ago. Besided, I need a break from your faces." she quickly remarked, rushing to leave the room.

She sat in the court yard with Laura and Dana, but she was completely oblivious to their conversation. All she could think about was receiving ASD from her all-time favorite teachers.

Maybe this term wasn't going to be all she thought it would. She finished her milk and returned to class.</td>







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