And Then the Unimaginable Happened.

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<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="center">Tyler immediately congratulated his father and Beth's mother, acting like the too-good step-son to Martha. Beth silently stared at him. He would soon become her step-brother. He was in her grade, and was known for being an ass. And not the cute frat-boy kind of ass that Eric was, but the legit ass. It was also rumored that he had to go to court when he was fifteen for sexual harassment charges. It was as if everyone were laughing in slow motion, so happy and giddy about the situation. Tyler called his brother, who was twenty-one and away in Iraq, and Martha and Richard just kissed eachother some more. This decision changed everyone's life on so many levels. Completely. How was it that everyone was so calm?

The following morning, Beth sat in the passenger's seat of Eric's green expedition, explaining the events of the previous evening as he sped down the interstate towards the ASU campus. He was dressed in his nice pair of slacks, with a button up shirt hanging loosly around his shoulders, his graduation cap and gown in the back. He was graduating college today, and Beth was the one person he wanted to be there with him. His family would also be there, who she was excited to meet for the first time. But at that moment, her mind wasn't focuseds on the events of that day, but on the events of the previous night.

"How could she just spring it on me like that? Didn't she think this was something to discuss with me first?" Beth ranted over the music playing lightly in the background. "I barely even know the guy, let alone his creepy ass son."

"Maybe this can just be something new and exciting you'll be facing in your life Beth. You're getting closer to that eighteen mark. More change is on the way," Eric explained as he switched lanes.

"I JUST turned seventeen last week," Beth recalled, remembering the exciting pool-party she hosted for just the two of them. "And when did you start getting so wise and giving advice?" She smiled over at him.

"Since, I love you," Was his response.

"You're so lame," Beth said.

Seconds after she spoke, she felt Eric's vehicle slow down significantly, and then to a complete stop. Layed out before them was bumper to bumber traffic, now at a standstill. She rose in her seat a bit, trying to see over the cars.

"Shit." Eric said after a few moments. He threw the car into park and checked his phone. The commencement ceremony was at 9 am, it was now 8:18, and they still had a half-an-hour drive to the college. "We're never going to make it."

Beth sighed and looked over at Eric. He never seemed like the type to care about a Graduation Ceremony. She was suprised he even decided to put on the cheesy cap and gown and walk across the stage to receive his degree. She grabbed his hand and held it in hers.

"It's okay. It's only a corny ceremony," she whispered. He looked into her eyes and smiled at her.

Beth took advantage of the time to talk about her soon-to-be step father and brother. She explained how weird it was to have a 'brother' the same age as she was attending school with her. She whined about having to see him all the time, and how he would be in her personal business twenty-four seven, and how he'd have access to her underwear drawer.

"Do you really think he'd go through your underwear drawer?" Eric asked, now turned in his seat to face Beth.

"Is that all your worried about?" Beth asked in between lyrics of "Drift Away".

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