I Only Want You.

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It was seven thirty. Beth and Dana lay in their comfortable clothes on Beth's queen sized bed, staring up at the ceiling. Beth couldn't believe Eric would do this to her. He broke up with her because he was jelous. Of a teenage boy. She snorted. How could he do that to her with everything going on? She'd just survived seeing her dad for the first time in four years. She'd just found out, along with him, that she might have the genetic disease of alcoholism. She'd just become good with her best friend. And on top of all of that, Mr. Conklin assigned her the well-earned ASD from that day for the following afternoon. Her life couldn't get any worse. And then it did. Dana had to leave.

She slowly plopped down the stairs and onto her familiar leather couch. It reminded her of the several memorable evenings she spent nustled into Mr. Inman's chest watching cheesy movies and re-runs of her favorite TV show. She layed down on her stomach. It almost faintly smelled like... The sliding glass door glided open. Him.

He was carrying a hamper of clothes to their shared laundry room. They met eyes for a moment. Even if no one else was around, it still felt awkward for her to be near him. He had broken her heart. So maybe she'd break his? She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Troy.

"Troy? Hey this is Beth," she spoke extra loud over the running water of the washing machine. "I just wanted to let you know I'm super excited for our date on Friday. Yeah. I'm really looking forward to it... okay. I'll text you. Muah." she hung up, immediately looking towards the kitchen for a reaction.

Eric entered. No emotion was hinted on his delicate features.

"Uh... just updating you on the house hunt... I haven't found a place, but when I do I'll let you know the good news." he exited to his home before Beth could even get a word in. She sighed. She didn't know what to do. She wanted to smack him in his face to make him understand she didn't want anyone but him- she assumed jelousy was the only way. Obviously not. She wanted him back, she just didn't know how to express it.

The following day at school, Beth excepted the single red rose Troy presented to her in front of the entire class. She could feel Mr. Inman's anger deep within from across the room, but he would never act on it. He assumed she was better off without him, and she obviously wasn't!

That mid-December night snow began to lightly cover the driveway of Beth's home. She remembered from many sleepless winter nights of slumber parties in the guest house that the heater almost never work. She felt guilt for leaving Mr. Inman in the cold, so she decided to invite him to the main house for hot chocolate and lame Christmas movies. It was always a tradition with her and Mr. Conklin's family, but now that he was older and his sister was more mature, the tradition was no longer a tradition.

She took of through the blistering cold. She lightly tapped on the window of the side door to the house. Mr. Inman appeared in a hoodie and pajama pants at the door, where he opened it slightly, only enough for his head to peak out.

"Hey..." he greeted, avoiding eyecontact.

"Hey, um. I know from experience the Guest house can be pretty freezing during the winter so I was wondering if you wanted to..." she trailed off. Her jaw dropped.

Through the window under Mr. Inman's arm, Beth could barely make out the figure of a person. A woman. A young woman, big breasts and almost-white blonde hair with terrible roots sat at the kitchen table sipping on what looked like coffee or hot chocolate. Her jean skirt hugged her body in all the right places, and her jean jacket covered what seemed like a quite revealing tube top.

"Beth?" his voice full of concern. He opened the door slightly and he slid out, barefoot in the inch of snow that covered the stoop to his home.

She shook her head violently and turned on her foot. She could hear the sound of Mr. Inman's southern voice shouting "Beth, Wait!" As she left him. She ran. A B-line for the sliding glass door and straight to the kitchen counter. How could he do this? He had another woman in her- well, her mother's- home? She didn't even bother crying. She went straight for the liquor cabinet, and accquired a newly purchased bottle of Jack Daniels. Fuck him, she decided.

Story Of Her Life.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora