You and Tequila Make Me Crazy.

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The following day, Dana was swept away by her mother to help deal with yet another break up. Martha was at work, of course. And Eric, suprisingly, was across the street with Mr. Conklin. He was invited to help unpack, but Beth knew they were probably having a beer and watching Family Guy or pulling an all-nighter playing video games.

It was suprisingly warm for a December evening, so Beth decided since she was alone, a dip would be a great way to relax. And a little alcohol wouldn't hurt either. She raided her mother's liquor cabinet again, and grabbed a couple bottles of Jack Daniels. Perfect.

She slowly opened the sliding glass door leading to the patio. Although the night air was a bit colder than she suspected, she leaped in the pool, which she had all to herself, and enjoyed the freedom.

It was almost midnight when the sliding glass door opened. Beth peered up from her float, an almost empty bottle of Jack in hand. Eric stood with an amused look on his face.

"Seriously? You freakin' drunk it's like 40 degrees out here," he rubbed his hands together for effect and sat at the edge of the pool.

She inched closer, rowing herself with one hand, finally grabbing his and leaning into him.

"You know what, you're a good boyfriend, like a really good boyfriend." she said. "I'm so lucky to have you. I really am."

"You're drunk," he snickered, trying to hide his bashfullness. He grabbed her bottle of Jack, examining it. It was now empty. Oh boy.

"I'm not drunk, I'm totally fine. I'm relaxed like, chillll." she used her hand as an effect as if she were pushing away the air from around her body, from left to right.

He remembered the last time he had to help Beth recover from being wasted. She didn't have all of the gross side effects of being drunk, but she probably would this time. A whole bottle of Jack is a lot. He knew he didn't know Beth as well as he'd like, but he knew she did drink a lot. This was the third time he'd caught her in the middle of an underaged drinking fiesta or a massive hangover.

"C'mon. Let's get you inside." He pulled her from the pool using both of his muscular arms and carried her, bridal-style inside. He plopped her on the couch, and went to the kitchen to prepare for the effects that would soon be taking place.

He turned, pieces of bread and a warm towel in hand, and the couch was empty. Great. He followed the wet feet prints from the couch that patted along the wood floor and up the stairs. Her bikini bottoms lay on the third step. Her bikini top at the very top step. Oh boy.

"Beth?" Dana's voice sounded as if she were sleeping, which she probably was considering it was almost 2 in the morning.

"Not Beth. It's Er- uh, Mr. Inman." he spoke, concern in his voice.

"Uh, hey..." she perked up. "What's up? Wait, why are you on Beth's cell?"

"I need your help." He spoke. Beth could be heard from the top of the steps singing her rendition of Lil Wayne's 'How To Love' in the background of the call. "Yeah, it's bad..."

When Dana arrived, Mr. Inman was seated on the couch, his hands over his eyes while Beth danced, completely naked on top of the kitchen table. Dana couldn't help but to double over laughing at the scene.

"Dana! Thank God!" he called, standing up, his eyes still covered. "You need to get her. She's wasted, and I can't do it for obvious reasons."

Dana laughed. "Chill Mr. Inman, this is the bestfriend's job anyways. C'mon Beth, let's go get cleaned up, and maybe put some clothes on, eh?"

Just as Dana took a step closer to her friend, Beth leaped from the table and ran out the back door.

Dana and Eric looked at eachother, amusment on their faces, until they realized.

"Mr. Conklin!" one said.

"Shiiiit" said the other.

Mr. Inman ran towards the back door and Dana ran towards the front. The wet grass squished against their shoes as the lurked around, attempting to locate the very drunk, but very slick friend they had lost. Dana creeped past the garage and was about to round the corner when she saw a flash of long brown hair and a pale stick running towards the guest house.

"Found her!" Mr. Inman called following soon after. Dana ran too, trying to get there before Mr. Inman so he wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness of a naked student in his house. She knew one thing, she never thought she'd ever be in the situation she was at that very moment.

The house was cold and empty, only the light in the kitchen showed proof anyone had even been there. Dana stood trying to catch her breath when she saw Beth sitting on the livingroom couch heaving.

"Get a bucket, and a shirt quick," Dana directed her history teacher.

Dana eyed the new wall paper. Being in the guest house brought back so many memories of playing house during the summer, and having sleepovers here in middle school. It was different seeing someone besides family stay here.

Mr. Inman quickly handed her the items, and Dana swiftly came in next to Beth, just in time to catch her vomit in the bucket. When she was finished, Dana slipped the button-up shirt over beth's naked body and pulled her hair from beneath it. She took the hair tie she kept on her wrist and pulled it back into a messy bun for her friend. Mr. Inman finally entered the room, seeing Beth was finally desently covered, and put a warm wash cloth over his student's head.

It was almost 3 in the morning when the trio headed back to the main house. Eric's arm rested around her waist, while Dana's was over her shoulder. Beth walked, barely, with the two people who ment the most to her, barely able to keep from barfing.

"I'm never drinking again," she cried cradling the toilet. Dana sat on the bathroom sink texting and Eric sat at the edge of the bath tub.

"I know sweety." Dana replied, not adverting her eyes from her texts.

"I don't know, but we have to get her sober before 5. Martha will be home, and it's pretty obvious by the terrible smell she's been drinking. Not to mention the empty bottle of Jack at the bottom of the stairs, and her clothes thrown all over the house." Eric explained.

Dana tugged at the hem of her PJ shorts. Her tank top was spotted with water, her eyes sported some pretty dark bags and she felt how she looked. Like shit. She sighed.

"I'll go clean up down stairs, you stay here and deal with Ms. Alcoholic here." Dana hopped from the cabinet. "YOU OWE ME BITCH!" she called, exiting the bathroom.

Beth simply gave her a thumbs up and continued heaving into the toilet.

"Beth Anderson, you and Tequila make me crazy. And Jack, and whatever else you've consumed." Eric grinned at his corneyness.

Beth put a single finger over his lips, and smiled.

"I'd kiss you for that, but It'd probably taste like ass." She liked her line better.

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