Its Over?

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<td colspan="2" align="left" valign="center"><big><big>I</big></big>t was almost twelve-thirty the same night Eric stormed out on Beth. She lay motionless in her bed, just staring at the ceiling. She'd texted Eric atleast nine times already to apologize, but he never replied. She finally found the courage to go see him. She slipped on a light jacket over her tanktop and undies, and tip-toed down the stairs and out to the Guest house.

The livingroom light was still on. But the entire house was empty. He was gone. Lovely. She stomped across the yard and back to bed. He was probably out at some bar getting drunk. He'd probably only done it because he knew Beth couldn't find him there. She huffed. So much dating an older more mature guy. Hmph.

Beth decided she'd walk into first period that day with her head held high. She wouldn't let Eric's insecurities keep her from having a good time, whether he was a part of that or not. Would she? She entered the almost empty classroom. He was seated at his desk, fruit smoothie in hand. He looked like crap. She knew it. He'd gone to a bar. He probably hooked up with someone older than she, more experienced, and he'd probably liked it. Her chest had this sharp pain in it, like her heart knew it was aching for him. She took her seat, avoiding eye contact.

It wasn't long before the rest of the class filed in, Dana and Troy included. Dana imediately sensed something was up, and she knew it was bad. She decided to keep her distance until Beth came to her first. Troy on the other hand, took it as a personal challenge to figure out what was bothering her.

He took a seat on the table part of Beth's desk. He cupped her chin in his hand so she'd be looking directly into his eyes. His features were soft, and he seemed truely concerned, in all actuality.

"Something's bothering you... what's wrong?" he tried to seem comforting, but he wasn't.

She had this strange tick, when someone asked her what was wrong, or hugged her, or tried comforting her in any way before she was ready, she'd burst into tears. And that's exactly what she did.

Troy looked at Dana helplessly. He'd inadvirtly caused more damage than good, and he didn't know what to do about it. He rubbed her shoulder and went back to his seat.

Beth sobbed into her palms. She didn't want things to be bad between her and Eric. The truth was, she and Troy were nothing alike, she didn't know how to speak to him like she could with Eric. She and Eric could have a four hour converstion about nothing, but it mean everything. And the only thing she could think to talk about with Troy was Eric, and how she missed him. She COULDN'T do this.

When the late bell finally rang, she and Eric finally met eyes. He saw how he was crying, and seemed slightly concerned; but he shook all emotion from his hand and welcomed the students to class with a fake smile. Halfway through the class Mr. Conklin squatted by Beth's desk while some of the other students were distracted, so they wouldn't cause a scene. She protested to him that she was fine, and there was nothing to worry about, but as soon as he was back at his desk, the tears began to fall again.

Before the end of class Troy approached Beth again. He seemed bothered somehow. He sat in the seat next to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She nodded her head. She'd be fine. Eventually.

He ruffled the hair on the back of his head, obviously nervous. "What's... what was wrong?" he didn't word it right.

"Nothing. I'm goo-"

"Because some of the guys back there think it's because you got caught with Mr. Conklin yesterday. I mean, I know it's not true it's just-" he started.

"It's just that there's no other explanation so you can't help but believe it?" she finished his stupid sentence, not meeting his eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders. "You gotta admit Beth, it's kind of suspicious."

"No, not really." she turned to him. "You and I both know it's not true. Gah, why do people believe everything they hear?" she was practically yelling now. "I can't even shed a few tears without all of the stupid people at this school making up some dumb ass story to go along with it. Did you ever think maybe it's because my dog died? Or my grandma fell and broke her hip? Or maybe, just maybe because I'm a teenage girl and I have FEELINGS?!"

The whole room looked at Beth in awe, even Mr. Inman. Mr. Conklin's jaw was dropped. Beth shook her head at all of the onlooking people.

"I'll be in the hall." she muttered before exiting the room with the slam of the door.

She sat out in the hall, just like she'd did on the second day of school. And just like the second day, Mr. Inman emerged from the quiet classroom and took a seat next to Beth.

"We need to have a conversation." he simply stated.

"I know I know," she began. "ASD, Lunch Detention, blah blah, I'm a bad person I need to control myself whatever. I get it."

"Not about that." he put his hand up to stop her. "About this." he pointed between the two of them.

She turned to him. Really? Was it sort of pathetic that she was hopeful, in a way?

"This needs to end." he whispered. She gaped. "I don't want to be with you if we have to hide it from everyone, and you have to fake going out with another guy so it's not suspicious. I want you to be free, and live your life. You're a teenager, you should have fun. I'm stopping you from that. I realized last night over at Ben's, that I could never invite you over there to have a drink, because it'd be wrong. On so many levels. So. I'm going to find a new place to live, and you're going to go out with Troy. No matter how much of a panzy ass he is." Eric didn't wait for an answer. He simply got up and went back inside.

A moment later Dana was at Beth's side, hugging her. Beth could barely breath. Had this just really happened? She didn't know what to feel. How to react. She just cried. </td>







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