Destiny Just Had to Have It's Way- Again

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The next morning Beth was awakened by a pillow to the face.

"Whaaaat!" she quickly sat up, squinting towards the sunlight beaming through her open window.

"He's here. get up. Come introduce yourself," Martha said, putting her long blonde hair in a ponytail. "He'll probably be in and out all day so don't block the driveway."

Beth pretended she caught all that her mother said and crawled out of bed. She slipped a pair of shorts over her hello kitty panties and dragged herself down to the driveway.

In the yard near the Guest House, a silver pick-up truck and an Expadition sat borht filled with boxes and men unloading them.

Martha motioned Beth to the silver truck where a man dressed in basketball shorts, flip flops and a baseball cap stood in the bed of the truck lifting boxes out and on to other men.

"Eric, this is my daughter Beth. Beth, meet your new neighbor," Martha introduced.

The two met eyes and were behooved. Standing shirtless and sweaty two feet from her was Eric Inman. Her jaw dropped, as did his.

"Uh.. N-Nice to meet you," Beth lied.

"Same," he commented. They touched hands briefly for show, but he drew back quickly and continued working.

"I'll let you two get acquainted while I go take out someone's spleen. I'll be back in a bit." Martha kissed Beth goodbye and disappeared.

"A word." She looked at Eric, directing him t othe deck behind her house.

"How could you not tell me you were moving into my family's guest house?" Beth roared.

"Uhm... maybe because I didn't know unti two seconds ago?" he let a laugh slip.

"This can't be happening..." Beth paced the length of the back deck.

"Look, can we discuss this later? I have to go." he took off without an answer, leaving Beth to deal with the shock of the news on her own.

She layed motionless on her bedroom floor, holding her cell phone against her stomach. His cell number was saved under "EI XO" She selected it. What did she get herself into by admitting to her History teacher she has feelings for him. "This is why teachers and students shouldn't date."

She hurried down stairs, cell phone in her boob.

Grilled cheese can always heal the wounds of a broken heart. She stood in the kitchen in her tank top and underwear buttering her bread, not realizing how the situation could be potintially awkward.

As if on cue, the sliding glass door opened. Like a ninja, Beth turned and held up her spatula as a defence mechanism. Eric.

"What the crap! Do you have no boundries?!" Beth remarked.

"Hello, Kitty." he grinned, refering to the picture on her underwear.

She covered herself with a dish towel.

"What do you want?" she cried.

"Food." he replied. "Grilled cheese more spacifically. Good choice. You want to butter my bread too?"

She paused. She couldn't help but the burst into laughter. "Really?" she cried.

"You set yourself up for that one." he replied.

She didn't say anything. Why was she being nice to him? She scolded herself. She's supposed to be mad at him for giving her ASD, then breaking her heart.

"I'll make you some food," she didn't know what she was saying. She just kept fixing the bread. "Will you get me the apron from the top drawer all the way to the left? I'm not cooking and giving you a show too."

"Sure." he responed. Soon enough, he was wrapping the 'Kiss the Cook' apron around her slender body, covering any signs of Kitty, Hello or not. He tied the knot, ant took a stool at the bar.

Beth danced a little and sung and rapped along with the hit song 'Wasn't Me' by Shaggy that was playing on the Radio. As she swayed her hips to the beat, Eric couldn't help but watch. He knew he told her he didn't want her, but he straight lied to her face.

After yesterday he'd felt so guilty he even denyed going to get a beer with Ben (Mr. Conklin). After he got home from his hike with his wife.

"You're a good singer." He spoke. She acted as if she didn't hear him. He grinned. " ♪Beth I hear you callin, but I can't come home right now, me and the boys are playing, but we just can't find the sooooouuunnnd" He sung out.

She froze, and gave him a death stare. "If you really want your food, you'll stop singing that. right now," she tried to be demanding, but was doing pretty badly at it.

"You didn't hear my compliment!" he grinned.

After a few more minutes, Beth served him his food and took the stool across from him. They ate their food in silence for a moment before Beth finally broke it.

"I'm not going to do your laundry too, if that's what you're thinking," she giggled, for the first time since before yesterday. Eric admitted to himself, he missed that.

"No. I can do my own laundry. I can even do yours. Even your Hello Kitty underwear," he smirked.

"Don't think just because I made you lunch that you can wash my underwear for me. You're still an ass." She threw her plate in the sink and hurried up the stairs.

How could she stay mad at him? He was making it harder and harder to be a bitch. She needed some outside communication. She texted Dana.

Aye girrrrrrrl wanna chill later? she wrote.

Befff?! Where have you been lately girl, it's like you've fallen off the face of the Earth Of course she has. A certain History teacher wouldn't let her leave during luch, and kept her after school every day.

Just been busy with some things. I miss you. I have so much to tell you. We need girl talk sooon. ♥ She hated sounding desperate and kiss-ass, but she knew that's the only way she'd get her to agree to it.

iiiight. be over around 2. She quickly texted.

It was now 1:08. kay.

Beth hesitated before getting up. What had she done? Was she going to tell Dana about the WHOLEEE Mr. Inman thing, or just the moving in part? Well, she'd probably notice the moving in part by being here for two seconds. He'd probably do his laundry later or something just to annoy her. She decided Dana only needed to know the minimum. If she knew anything more, the whole school would know by midnight tonight.

She quickly showered and waited downstairs for her best friend.

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