"Harlyn is coming to take me to get ice cream, she's bringing Grace, you wanna tag along?" I laughed.

"Yeah." He cheered.

"Well, uhm, you don't have to rush into getting ready. Okay sport?" I smiled.

He nodded, and continued to color. I crutched my way to my bedroom, and sat there for a second.

Suddenly, I heard yelling from the downstairs area. Footsteps pounded up the steps, it over-masked the sound of the screams.

My bedroom door flew open, and Danyelle came stomping in, Michael trailed shortly behind her.

"That's enough Danyelle! You're 18 füćking years old, you're a senior in high school for Christ sake! That's the easiest year! And you're failing!" Michael yelled.

"Shut up! You know nothing, Mr I'm-so-perfect, Mr look-at-me-I'm-in-college! You don't give a dämñ about anyone but yourself!" She rebutted.

Michael's eyes grew wide, and he was fuming, "you know that's not true! I care about Benjie, and you, and Myla, and Austin, and Mom."

My eyes grew wide, and my breathing began to labor.

Danyelle looked so proud of herself, cause she new she hurt him. Not a bit of remorse or guilt showed on her face, but then again I wasn't surprised, she hurt everyone because she was hurting just as much.

"That's the end of this conversation. It's no longer up for discussion. You're not partying anymore, and Triston is not allowed around you anymore. And if I find out you've contacted him, there will be consequences!" He spoke triumphantly.

My heart was racing, and my head was pounding.

"Oh, and that phone," he spoke, pointing to her phone, "is mine until your grades go up, hand it over."

Her eyes grew wide, "what?!?"

"You heard me, hand over the füćking phone."


"It's not up for discussion, give it to me, now." He spoke ruffly.


"Gōddámmìt Danyelle! Give me the phone. I don't want to have to be the bad guy, but mom isn't here right now, so someone has to be in charge, hand over the stupid phone."


"Stop!" I yelled, but it came out as a mere squeak.

I tried taking a deep breath, and yelling again.


This time I got a little louder. Michael and Danyelle looked my way. Michael looked worried, he glared at Danyelle and walked over to me.

"I want that phone on my bed by the end of the night," he spoke through gritted teeth.

Danyelle rolled her eyes, and stormed off.

Michael sat with me, and pulled me into his arms. He held me close to his chest, and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry, I though you were still at therapy," he mumbled into my hair.

Tears fell from my eyes as I just laid my head on his shoulder. I shook my head, trying to catch my breath.

"T-t-therapy, was-s cut short to-today." I cried.

"Shh sh shhh."

He began to sing Count On Me by Bruno Mars. My heart lurched, because my dad sang that song to me whenever I was sad.

Benjie appeared in my room, and he came tumbling over to me. A big smile grew on my face, and I couldn't help but giggle.

He climbed up into my lap, Michael playfully groaned, and caused Benjie to giggle.

Michael reached over Benjie's small body and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry, I love you so much, okay? I'll try my best to correct Danyelle without yelling." He smiled at me.

"I miss mom," I mumbled

"I know I miss her too, things would be so much easier with her here." He replied.

My phone beeped, and a text from Harlyn appeared on the screen.

Harlyn :P
Hey we're here :))

"Go have fun," Michael spoke, patting my leg.

I got up, and walked over to the mirror that hung on my wall. I wiped my face, and grabbed Benjie's hand.

Michael trailed behind us as we made our way down the steps slowly, because of my crutches.

"Bye have fun!" Michael called as we walked out of the house.

"Michael," I called, and stopped in my spot at the door. "I love you too."

He smiled, and waved bye to us as we made it to car. He shut the door, probably went to continue the war known as Danyelle.

"Hey girly!" Harlyn's cheered.

I smiled, and mumbled a soft 'hey.'

Benjie got all buckled up in the back and we headed off to the ice cream parlor.

Then entire ride there we made small talk, as the radio played quietly in the background.

We finally arrived, and got situated in a booth. Benjie and Grace sat a crossed from each other, as Harlyn and I did.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm, doing better I guess." I said.

"Be honest," she spoke.

"Honestly, I am better. I have my days." I laughed.

She reached across the table and patted my hand. A big smile grew on her face, as her eyes sparkled.

"How'd that happen?" She asked pointing to my leg.

"Jaidon." I chuckled.

"Who?" She laughed.

"Oh, this kid I see at therapy all the time. He's my therapist's son, he became one of my close friends lately, along with you." I spoke softly.

"Awe, you're a better friend than anyone else at school." She smiled.

Grace and Benjie began to giggle over something. I turned to them both and smiled at them.

"What is it?" Harlyn asked.

They both shook their heads and began to laugh harder. I looked towards Harlyn and she just shook her head.
Yeah, that's that :)

Sorry I've had some family stuff come up lately, and I'm having a hard time.

Hope you enjoyed :)

TherapyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora