Chapter 8:Freshmen

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Lucas point of view

When we arrived back at Billy's house.There were already a billion people from our school here.I moved through the crowd and tried to find find billy to tell him here.
But Maya already beated me,when I tried to grab her wrist,she smacked it away."Ill go talk to billy-bastard"she said,snapping,"you protect Riley and farkle from getting humiliated"she said and walked away.I sighed and turned around,expecting to see Riley and farkle cuddled up against eachother,holding hands and looking like lost puppies  around the mass of people.
But there were gone."Fuck"I mumbled and began looking for them.

Farkles point of view(rare)

I honestly don't know why I came to this party,I should've listened to my dad and done my homework.And then I start to remember the reason I came in the first place.To leave my dads house of overworking minions,I'm not gonna become another minkus minion.I'm not.
Going to a party is my first step of not becoming a minki minion.Step two is become popular,but how will I ever do that.I mean,sure,I ditched the turtle necks.But now what?

Riley is not an option.Everyone knows she's the nerdiest out of all of us.
Maya and Lucas are my best chance at being popular,then I can prove my father wrong.
And his never wrong.
I moved along with the crowd of dancing people.What do I do?
The music is playing loudly,it will shatter my ear drums.People are dancing on eachother,it'll get me too tired for tomorrow's homework.Nothing I do in this party will be fun.nothing.
I just wish I knew one person here.Riley and Maya don't count,they have their own problems.And Lucas is already with the popular crowd I assume,he left us.we leave him too.
I looked at my phone and texted Riley,trying to figure out where she went.Riley's my friend,sure I wanted a chance at popularity but I would never leave my friend,not tonight,not ever.When she didn't text back,I moved away from the crowd and onto the snack bar.Grabbing a glass a water and drinking it quickly,then started feeding myself on anger and sadness.Friar has really done it this time.

That jerk.That freak.If he never came,mine,Maya's and Riley's relationship would never have changed.But he ruined it for all of us.His a dirty lying freak-ouch.I looked down at my hand and realized the bloody cuts from the glass cup that I shattered.Bits fell on the ground,a few still stuck to my hand.I took out my phone again and texted Maya.
She responded this time and asked why I thought she left me.Of course she was going to talk to billy I hate that guy.And where's Zay,didn't he get even invited to the party or not?My phone beeped again and I looked down,Maya's coming to find me.

I looked around.I now know that I don't belong in the world of popularity.I rather choose Harry Potter over strip clubs anytime."hey!"someone called out and I turned in their direction.It was a Female.Blonde hair.Blue eyes.Dimples,Cheerleader Amy Nickerson.She wiggled her finger for me to come over.She probably must be drunk.When I didn't do what she said,she walked closer to me and took my collar."What's your nameeee-"she trailed off and I smelled the stench of alcohol in her breathe.I wanted to run away.Or Atleast get her a toothbrush and paste.
"I was just leaving"I said but she pushed me against the wall.She giggled then hiccuped.
"Don't be silly"she smirked."you belong here..............With Meeeeeeee"she giggled again and sighed."your soooo Hot"I must back aWay now.What will my father do when he hears about this?

"Come on,I know who you are..You're a genius in fres-*hiccup*hmen"she smiled."Nerds are
Hot,you know"she smiled...
"I'm a senior,only three years apart"I moved away.Tried Atleast.I looked around to see if anyone was watching.Almost everyone was watching.
"Amy!"someone called out and laughed."what are you doing,messing around with this minkus-freak,I know your single and you're ready to mingle,but do it with the right guy!me"
Someone called out and Amy laughed."Get lost big-Boner"she said and turned back to me...
"What do you say?"she smiled."You.Me.In Bed.Now"
What the huckleberry!Im only a freshmen.

End of summerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang