Chapter 14:School Dance

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Maya's Point Of View

"Hey,Maya!"Chelsie,My NEW Best friend said as she came running towards me with a few other girls.Who were all popular.Pretty.And worse of all.Pink."Wait Up Hart!"
"What!"I shouted back,A few More seconds until they're standing right in front of me.
"Just wanted to ask you something"Chelsie said and giggled.My eyebrows went up.

"If it has something to do with math,Science,Or school-"I joked,"I won't be too useful"
"Nothing to do with that!"Chelsie smirked...Oh No.
"Then what is it?"I asked eagerly to find out.Chelsie and the rest of the girls squealed.
"You Know..Kevin Right?"She asked and I nodded.Of course I knew Kevin..Kevin Johns.
Only the schools Most popular Kid.,Well,After Me..Billy..And Lucas
A lot of People Question why a bunch of Freshmen are more popular then The Seniors.
I question this myself.
"He and a bunch of other seniors are going to their last prom..And they invited us to come as their dates!!!"Chelsie screamed,The Ear splitting Squeales though!!!!

I smiled."That's great..Only I'm Not going"
"Why not?"Chelsie and the rest of the girls Groaned."You could bring Lucas,That Hot-"
"You know Billy Ross is my Boyfriend,Right?"I asked and scowled."There is no way I'm going with Lucas Friar,His my worst enemy"
"But He's hot!!!"One of the girls said.Which wasn't helping.I glared at her.
"Not helping,Rebecca!"I rolled my eyes.Chelsie noticed and beckoned the girls away.

"Maya,We need to talk"She said and pulled her Ginger hair into a pony tail.
Cheer leading Practice was over.No,I wasn't on the team.I was just here to support her.
"About what?"I asked,"what did I do this time?"
Chelsie looked at me with her big green eyes and smirked."Why don't you want to go to the dance with Friar,You two have been voted Favorite Couple on the School news-"
"We what?"I asked.Not again.

"You and Lucas got voted favorite couple"She said again,"Everyone sees you as one,Even Your differences make you two perfect for the title, love birds,you're Soo lucky!!!"
"Lucky?"I growled in frustration,"More like cursed..You know I hate him right,I made that clear!"I said and crossed my arms.
"Yes,a Billion times"Chelsie smirked,"You made that clear to the whole school,Now there's two parts of being popular..You're either on Maya Harts side,or on Lucas friar's side"
I smirked."Which side are you on?"I asked,even thought I didn't really care about.."The Sides"As the whole school is calling it these days.Me dividing the populars made such a big fuss.Which was entertaining enough To go on the schools news.
Mostly all the popular girls were on my side.
All the popular boys were on Bucky Mc-Friar's side.
And the Seniors didn't Really give a Shit.

"It's ridiculous!"I said,rolling my eyes,"The sides"
"Atleast you're not a nerd,Like Farkle Minkus"She laughed.I stopped myself but pretended to laugh too.Oh No.I forgot about Farkle.I forgot about our study session!
It was yesterday and I forgot.He's gonna be so mad at me!
Of course.I wouldn't never forget about Farkle.I just forgot this.Only one thing!
Farkle is like a brother to me.And I failed him.
But I'll make it up.
"Think of it.If you keep all this up,You'll become a legend to the school!"She said,then sighed dreamily,"Like Kevin Johns"

I rolled my eyes and kept walking.Preparing to The Next class.
Which was history class.And our regular teacher was not back yet.
Which means I'm stuck with Mr.Matthews...Yay?.

I just want to forget about Riley.Not be near Riley or anyone that reminded me of her.
The whole lesson was somehow faster then I expected.No lecture today from Mr.Matthews
Somehow it was all okay.I got to leave without Him calling me up.I got to leave without even glancing at him.I got to leave another part of Riley Matthews Behind.

"Maya!"Billy.I smiled and ran to him.Hugging him until he let me go.
"What's up Babe?"He asked and bend down to kiss him,I pulled away quickly since we seemed to have company.
"The usual!"I rolled my eyes,"did you hear about Kevin's Party..You going?"
"Obviously!"He smirked."It's gonna rock!Wait til I throw an after party"
I was waiting for him to ask Me out.He never did.
The whole thing was a converstaion.A fun one.But he didn't ask me to the dance.
I wasn't disappoint.I mean,When you're dating Billy Ross,what do you really expect?

I finally broke down and decided to ask him myself."What is friar doing here..Huckleberry what are you doing here?" I asked and crossed my arms.My cheeks burning red in anger.
"Funny,I Should ask you myself"Lucas smirked.Its been a while since I've talk to him,His voice has gotten deeper.He has gotten an inch taller.I had to look up to meet his Green eyes
They too have change.I noticed they were no longer A bright shade of Green,They've gotten darker,They've gotten angrier.Ive only seen these a few times
And one was in Middle school,Where he revealed his Texas Side.

"Oooooh"I chuckled,"Finally got manly enough To take what belongs to Maya hart?"
"I should've been the one claiming it in the first place"Lucas smirked."Go play with Your Dolls,Maya,This school belongs only to the ones who earned it"
"You think you Run this school,don't you Huckleberry"I scowled."And that's why I'm here to tell you,you're wrong..Besides..You wouldn't want me going against,would you?"
"You already are!"Lucas shook his head and smirked."And besides,I don't see you as much of a threat,A short,Blonde,Stack of pancakes,Aren't you Maya?"

I growled."Just stick to your status..Cowboy"I said and began to walk away
Billy calling my name but that didn't stop me.I got a text from Chelsie right away.
When I didn't respond to Billy,He started sprinting to catch up with me
Chelsie:hey,Where are you?
Maya:Still at school,duh,where are you?
Chelsie:Near the school entrance,We're going to skip,Head To the mall,you in?
Maya:To the mall...But we still have three more classes left
Chelsie:Come on,we did this before...You coming or not

I sighed before texting back.Billy slightly ahead of me since I told him the plan

Maya:Sure..Ill be there

End of summerWhere stories live. Discover now