Chapter 13:What?

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Farkle's Point Of View

As usual,I Complete my homework,Study for days,And get straight A's on my report card.
I Pay attention in class.I make sure I'm not noticed in the cafeteria.I put my best effort,into mostly everything I want to learn.But there was something missing in my life.

My Friends.
Lucas is Hanging out with the Popular Kids.He probably forgot about me.
Maya Doesn't trust Riley nor Lucas.She is dating Billy.She left me.
Riley is Depressed.Thats all there is to know.

Yeah,Being smart is something.Getting good grades help you into collage.Into Life.
But at the End..All you need is the people who's been there throughout the hard times with you..At the end..Success Means nothing..But your friends do..they mean the world to you.
Riley and Maya mean the world to me....and I'm gonna make sure I mean the same to them.
But if I don't.Im still gonna fight for them.I love them both The same.

Lucas's Point Of View

"Hey,Friar"Billy said in a quiet tone.I slowly went near him
"What do you want,Ross?"I asked in an annoyed tone."Is there really a need to get me in trouble again,I already have detention!"I said and crossed my arms,Firing up again.
"Calm down!"Billy rolled his eyes and smirked,Chuckling.He reached into his locker and pulled a Zip-Lock Bag full of-
"You'll think they'll notice If we start smoking?"Billy asked and grinned.
"Cigarettes?"I asked,Disgusted."Are you kidding,they'll totally notice,Besides,We're not even the right age-"
"Oh,come on!"Billy growled,"Keep your voice down!"He scowled,"Besides,Kevin does it all the time...And his cool!"
"Well,duh,he's a Senior!"I crossed met arms."Think of the consequences-"
"Since when does Billy Ross ever think of the consequences?"Billy asked and burst with laughter."Come on,Don't spoil the fun Friar..Besides,Maya thinks it's cool".

I Leaned up against my Locker,Uncomfortably.Billy saw this and Scowled.
"When are a You and my Girlfriend gonna get along,You Two are the most popular people in the school,Right after me and Missy-"
"Can you believe this!"An annoying girly Voice came out of nowhere."I just got Ranked lower then Maya Fart On the Popular List!"She sobbed.At Least pretended to.
"Now she's number one of the List!-"She said,before leaving to go to cheer practice...
Billy Grinned and changed his sentence,"Right after me,That is".

"She Hates me,You know that"I said,Examining One cigarette."She'll never forgive me-"
"And what for?"Billy asked,Seeming very Interested,"What,Was it like a Big fight About you not buying her the last chocolate bar or something?"He asked but I shook my head.
"Something else-"I paused,seeing the eagerness in his face,"That's not your business.........Just get me a lighter"

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