Chapter 5:Party

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Lucas point of view

"A party?"I asked and looked at the invitation in my hands,lots of them were visible in the cafeteria by the bright blue color.I looked back at billy and laughed,"are you kidding me,it's only October and your having a party already?"I asked,"no one will come,your a freshmen!"
"Chill dude,I got this taken care of"billy smiled,"invited some jocks,cheerleaders,seniors".

I rolled my eyes and looked back at my table.I haven't been able to sit with Maya and the gang for weeks now,that's to billy always dragging me away all the time.I saw Maya holding the same invitation I have in her hands,she looked at it before looking back at Riley and farkle,Then she went up to the trash can and threw it away.She chose her best friends over being popular.I think I misunderstood Maya a lot of times,this makes up for everything,
Almost everything.

"Hey!"I said and looked at billy,"Hart just threw away your invitation-"I smirked at myself for telling him that,for making him feel bad,but aren't I doing something wrong.I feel like them for a moment,like I can do anything I please,but it's wrong,this  is wrong.even if this is billy Ross,the guy I most hate in my life,this is wrong and I shouldn't make him feel like this.His a bully,he does physical damage,but I'm doing emotional damage,and that's worse then any kind of pain."Bullshit"billy cursed and looked over to a certain blonde hanging out with her best friends,hugging her best friends,I should be part of that hug.
"Fine"he growled,"I'll take matters to my own hands this time"he said and walked away.oh no.

Maya's point of view

"Hart!"ugh.I didn't close my locker,I paid no attention to the person Infront of me.
"What do you want,bob?"I asked and finally turned to looked at him,"is it something important or do you just want to annoy me the whole day for no damn reason"I asked and he smiled at me.
"Both"he smirked,stepping forward so he was closer to me,"you got my invitation right?"
"Oh,you mean the one that I threw in the trash?"I asked."yeah,I got it"
Billy smirked,"it's always nice to have an extra spare"he said and jiggled the invitation in his hand."last chance hart,to go to the best party of the year-"
"I'll go if you invite my friends,farkle and Riley"I said,threatening him,"if you don't,there's likely a chance I'll be at home doing better things then being at your lame nerd party"
"Hey!"he growled,then stopped himself,"sparkle is the nerd here-but,I'll do it,for you hart,sparkle and Miley are now officially invited to my awesome,one of a kind,party".

I thought about it,For a long time.I thought about what it would cause and affect.
They will spike up the drinks,I know that will happen,it's obvious.Seniors are coming,jocks are coming,cheerleaders,the slut versions of them are coming.Why can't nice cheerleaders come?why can't nice seniors come?why can't nice popular kids come?The people that will come are the people that will get us into trouble.They will spike up the punch,they will sneak in drugs,Riley and drugs don't go in the same sentence.

Farkle and Tequila don't go in the same sentence either.People might make fun of farkle and Riley because they're there.But then I actually think about them,about my best friend Riley,hell,damnit,if I don't agree,she will hate me.Riley always wanted a chance at being popular,it doesn't seem like it but she's always dreamed of riding along with the popular kids.Always wanted a chance at fitting in,just like farkle.
"Alright!"I snapped when billy moved towards me,"I'll go to your stupid party"
"I expect you to be there!"
"Whatever!"I shouted back when billy left and closed my locker door.

I jumped when a I heard a familiar voice on the left side of my locker."You agreeded?"
"Yes,Farkle,I agreeded?"I said,almost like a question,"why,you don't want to go?"
"No,not at all!"he said,"those seniors scare farkle,haven't you seen them,their all ugly with their small Brains"Farkle shivered and I laughed.Well,He's got a point in a way.
"Not all of them!"I smirked at farkle,"when your a senior,you'll be the biggest genius in the school"farkle looked at me weirdly and looked around,then tapped my forehead.

"That's the first time you haven't insulated farkle-"he said brightly,"farkle is confused"
"Well,farkle shouldn't be confused"I started,"Maya will be a good friend to farkle from now on"I said and crossed my arms,waiting for farkle to do something that will,actually,I don't know what to expect from farkle,farkle is and forever will be unpredictable.....
Then suddenly we both laughed,"what was I thinking?"I chuckled,"come on ex-turtle neck,let's go find Riley"

Lucas point of view

"Ew,You invited Maya fart?'Missy continued.I rolled my eyes as I shoved,things,into my locker.
"And she's planning to invite those two losers,sparkle and brunette-wannabe?"
"She's not a wannabe!"I snapped in her direction,"she's better then you,you just won't admit that!"I said and leaned up against my locker.
"Don't tell me you have a little crush on her?"Missy laughed,"if you do,I don't know where the hell your ass is going,all a boy could ever want is me,why would you chose that brunette?"she asked and scowled."Guys these days".
"I don't have a crush on Riley,we're just friends"I said and crossed my arms."And stop insulting them every time you hear their names,their not that bad,and you got to admit it,Maya is-"
"A hot,sexy chick"Billy shirked,looking around,"you think I should bring condoms?".
"Why?"I asked,my eyes then widen,"you're not thinking of getting Maya drunk so she'll mess around with you,are you?"I asked him,hearing him smirk.I growled."no,No!you're not messing around with Maya,I'll make sure of that,you're not gonna take an advantage of her while I'm around"I said and closed my locker shut,it was so loud everyone turned in our direction.I rolled my eyes,"get out of our business!"I shouted at all of them and then turned back to billy and glared."Maya is not coming to your party,I'll-"

"And I'll make sure to take care of her little friends"billy smiled in Missy's way,"missy will help"he threaten and looked back at me,"do you really wanna tangle with me,friar?"he asked.If only he didn't have such a giant crush on Maya,yes.I rolled my eyes.
"That is if you keep being a dick"I mumbled under my breathe and walked away.History class next.
As I walked through the halls.I Noticed my group,we should really come up with a name,and walked towards them,"hey guys!"I said cheerfully.They all turned and looked at me in confusement."Lucas?"Riley asked first,"w-why are you talking to us,aren't you suppose to be with the popular kids now?"she asked and walked away with farkle.Farkle shook his head and mumbled a,"applehole".Innocent farkle,couldn't bring himself up to say asshole.I looked at Maya and she looked at me,for a long time."what just happened?"
"They're mad at you"Maya said,shrugging"They think your turning into something you're not,that basically sums it all up,Ranger Rick"She said and walked away.
Maybe she was right.Maybe I was turning into someone I wasn't.I walked into the classroom"

Riley's point of view

"Hello everybody!"The most annoying voice said,"does anyone know why I'm here?"he asked.He skipped around the classroom and I groaned,Maya looked at me and laughed.
"To ruin our day?"someone in the class said.that boy billy!,who changed Lucas,I rolled my eyes,but in a way he was right.My dad faked laugh along with the real laughs in the classroom."very funny Mr.Ross!"he said cheerfully,"Detention".

"No,I'm here because your actual teacher couldn't be here!"my dad said and smiled at me,I tried to hide my face with a book."So,He hired a very funny,very handsome,young,man to be your substitute teacher today,oh,what fun we'll have!"my dad cheered.Honestly I don't understand how people tell me that we're so alike.There was a knock on the door.
"STRANGER!!!!"my dad yelled and the class all looked at him weirdly,he sighed,"you can do this Cory"he said and went to look over at the door.He looked out the window and yelled again,"ahh,it's friar!!"

"Let him in!"billy yelled,My dad shook his head and looked around."what do I do,what do I do,what do I do?"he mumbled to himself and I facepalmed myself.Im so embarrassed.
"Dad,let him in"I said to him,he looked at me and nodded.But the door wasn't closed anymore and Lucas stood there,looking for a table to sit.He sat behind Maya,she turned to look at him."Finally decided to show up,huh,cowboy?"
"Yes,Ma'm"he said and looked like he tipped an imaginary hag,something Maya and he did that I would never understand.Phew.This is gonna be a loooong class.

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